Cat Body Language Lying Down. A Useful Guide

Why Is My Cat’s Hair Coming Out in Clumps?

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Every cat owner will tell you how important it is to understand cat language. I mean, how else are you going to tell when your cat is sick, hungry or annoyed? Well, cats have made it easier for us as they communicate their needs with us through meowing. However, this is not always enough as we may not fully understand different vocalizations. This is why you should always observe your cat when he is meowing. This way, you will be able to understand Cat body language Lying Down


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Cat body language Lying Down. A Helpful Guide.


Cat Body Language Lying Down


As we have mentioned above, cats do communicate with us, and sometimes they communicate with each other. Whichever the case, body language plays a large role when you are trying to decipher your cat what he means. It might be accompanied by vocalization or not.

Note that you are not going to be able to fully study your cat’s body language if you do not spend enough amount of time with him. Focus on different scenarios so that you can be able to identify when he is communicating. ‘

Below, we are going to outline various statuses or situations that your cat might use his body language to communicate.

Playful cat

Cats are quite social, which makes them good companions. And since we have domesticated these animals for thousands of years, we have been able to master their communication cues among other behaviors.

You can be able to tell when your cat wants to play with you as he is going to be relaxed. He might also lie on his back and rollover, which is usually an invitation to play. However, how exactly can you tell that your cat is being playful with you?

Usually, his ears will be slightly forward and his tail up high. This is an indication that your cat is in a relaxed mode and therefore capable of willing to play. You should always be aware of when your cat is playful. Even though they are social, they only engage him in play when he is content, confident and happy.


Relaxed cat

You will be able to tell when your cat is relaxed by the way he moves, meows and his entire body language. A relaxed cat will have his ears slightly forward, just as a playful cat would. He might have his tail relaxed or curled up. When your cat is lying down while stretching out his torso, this body language means that he is comfortable. It also means that he trusts you enough to expose parts of his body that are vulnerable.

You do not have to be playing with your kitty to know when he is relaxed. He might be lying down in the house while watching activities, or even sitting by the window. In addition, your cat will sit in an upright position while tucking his paws underneath him. His ears will be pointed up and he might lie down with his body stretched out comfortably.

If you offer him nice and soothing strokes, he is going to exhibit signs of contentment. For instance, he might close his eyes and focus on your strokes. Some cats will go as far as purr from contentment at this moment. However, avoid stroking your cat’s back as they do not enjoy it.


Fearful Cat

When a cat is in a situation that causes fear, his entire body language is going to change from a comfortable cat to a tense one. Even though cats are quite social, they are also very vulnerable to fear and anxiety. Fear is a common vice for new kitties, especially when you are bringing him to another bigger cat.

You can be able to tell whether a cat is fearful due to how he reacts to situations. For instance, if you just brought a kitty home, he is definitely going to be afraid for the first few hours. This is because they are still trying to adapt to having a new home and a new owner as well. Therefore, be patient and offer him as much support as he might need during this period.

When a cat is fearful, he might crouch down or even run away, based on the object causing fear. For instance, if your cat is encountered by a big lurking dog, he might run away. Fear projects the fight or flight reaction in cats. This means that your cat will observe the situation and either run or stay to fight an opponent.

His ears will also face backward or fall sideways. Your cat might also try to make himself look bigger when he is trying to fight or scare off the opponent. He will also have very wide-open eyes and may hiss and spit. You might also observe his tail wagging from side to side or under his body.


Cat Body Language Lying Down

Frustrated cat

Cats get frustrated when they cannot get what they want. He will do everything possible to get what he wants. After all, they are hunters in nature and therefore once they set the target on something, they won’t stop until they get it.

However, in domestication, this is not always the case. Your cat might fail to reach his favorite toy which will lead to complete frustration.

As a result of frustration, your cat might pace around the object of frustration. He might also give out a long drawn-out meow while other cats stress out to the extent of developing long term issues with depression and stress. He is going to focus all his senses on to that particular goal until he finds a way to get it.

Well, it is not always about objects. Rather, some cats will do anything to get something as simple as your attention. For instance, he can meow and you ignore him. He will climb onto your laps and curl up until you give into petting him. Failure to which is going to lead to frustration.

Ensure that your cat can access some of his basic items. For instance, always make sure that his favorite toy is somewhere around when he can easily retrieve it. Long-term frustration is a possible cause of depression in felines.


Angry cat

You will also be able to tell when your cat is angry as he will be very expressive about it. Note that frustration can also lead to anger issues. For instance, if you are holding your cat’s favorite toy and he wants it back, he will pull at it. If you insist on keeping it to yourself, your cat is going to be frustrated and may get mad quite easily.

When a cat gets angry, you will notice his ears flattening on his head. He will focus on the object causing anger. In this case, his entire body and mind will be focused on getting his toy back. And because he is angry that you won’t let go, you might notice him arching his body, trying to look much bigger than his normal size. This might be a good time as he might be just about to pounce at you from his anger.

In addition to the above, an angry cat is also likely to lay low on the ground as well as develop a fluffy tail. This signifies that he is really pissed off. In case all this is accompanied by hissing or spitting, it would be best to let him have his way.

Cats will rarely react aggressively towards their owners. Therefore, you are likely to observe this behavior much more when your cat is fighting another.

In addition, he will have his tail stiff and straight to the back. Some cats will ruck their tails under their bodies when they get angry. His eyes will also focus on the object causing anger.


Aggressive cat

An angry cat is more peaceful than an aggressive cat. When your cat gets aggressive, he is going for blood, with the intention of hurting his opponent. Therefore, it is safe to say that you should always avoid such situations with your cat.

As indicated above, your cat will rarely show signs of aggression with you. It is common when your cat is fighting with another cat or predator. Sometimes your cat might also pick a fight with your dog.

Well, in addition to vocalization such as hissing, growling and snarling, your cat’s body language will also communicate. If your cat is lying down, arching his back while he focuses on a particular direction, it could be that your cat is faced with a possible threat.

He will bend his ears backward, flattening them on his head. In addition, your cat will also position himself so that he is ready to attack. In some cases, your cat might also do a rollover, which is also a defensive position. when in this position, he might also expose his claws and fangs. At this point, your cat is very agitated and you might consider getting him out of the situation.


Cat Body Language Lying Down

Anxious cat

Cats are particularly vulnerable to anxiety. Due to their social nature, cats may develop anxiety especially when he is feeling lonely or scared. Well, new cats have the tendency of suffering from anxiety due to a change of ownership as well as the environment.

In case you have recently moved to a new residence, it could also stress your cat. You can be able to tell when your cat is anxious through his body language when lying down. At this point, it is also important to note that cats also develop anxiety when you have left them alone for some time or under the care of someone else other than you.

Even though cats will groom themselves every now and then, they may also do it consistently and obsessively when they are anxious. If you find out that your cat is engaging in grooming himself more than usual, it could be that he is stressed or anxious about something.

He might also appear to sleep more hours and also staying up at night. In addition, he is also going to meow for the best part of your nights. If so, ensure that your cat is not suffering from any other illness before you can help him get over his anxiety. It is important that you set some time aside so that you can play with your cat. This will not only strengthen your bond but also alleviate anxiety in cats.


Relieved cat

Just like we change from sad to happy, your cat will also be relieved when he has escaped a dangerous situation or one that causes anxiety. For instance, if your cat was engaging in a fight with a stray cat, I am sure you can spot the difference when he is out of danger.

Well, we have discussed cat body language when your cat is fearful or aggressive. When he is out of the said situation, you will notice a sense of relief from your cat. He is going to get back to his relaxed mood and you can tell.

His eyes will go back to the normal eyes while his ears might go back to the shard, slightly forward relaxed ears. You will also witness the visible change in his tail. For instance, if he had a fluffy tail, it is going to go back to the normal happy kitty tail.



In conclusion, it is important to understand your cat. This includes understanding his body language, the way he is lying down as well as the overall body posture. You can be able to tell quite a lot when you spend time observing your kitty.

You are going to notice when he is sad, happy or even frustrated. In all essence, you are definitely going to tell when he is angry or threatened. In most cases, cats will have a way to sort out their issues. However, if your cat is really uncomfortable to aggressive towards another, it is wise to separate the two.

When you understand cat body language, you are always going to be able to take care of your cat. You will be able to tell when he wants to play, or your attention. Most of all, you are always going to understand why they do the little things they do.

Studying his body language is a great way to start when you want to ensure that your cat is always happy. The above tips are just but to enable you to understand cats generally. However, each cat has its own individual behavior. Tell us about your cat’s body language

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