Category: Cat Questions

  • Myths about Cats and Pregnancy: Separating Fact from Fiction

    Myths about Cats and Pregnancy: Separating Fact from Fiction

    There are many myths surrounding cats and pregnancy, from the belief that cats will suck the breath from a newborn to the idea that pregnant women should avoid all contact with felines. Unfortunately, these myths have been perpetuated for generations, leading many people to believe cats seriously threaten pregnant women and their babies. However, the…

  • How Soon Can Cats Sense Pregnancy? A Guide to Feline Pregnancy Detection

    How Soon Can Cats Sense Pregnancy? A Guide to Feline Pregnancy Detection

    Cats are known for their incredible senses; many believe they can detect pregnancy in their owners. While no conclusive scientific evidence supports this claim, many cat owners have reported changes in their pet’s behavior when they become pregnant. Some people believe cats can sense pregnancy due to changes in hormone levels or pheromones that pregnant…

  • Cats’ Behavior During Human Pregnancy: What to Expect

    Cats’ Behavior During Human Pregnancy: What to Expect

    Many people believe that cats can sense human pregnancy and that their behavior changes accordingly. While no scientific evidence supports this claim, many cat owners have reported changes in their cat’s behavior during pregnancy. For example, some cats become more affectionate, while others become aloof or aggressive. One theory is that cats can detect changes…