Category: Cat Questions

  • Why Do Cats Yowl at Each Other? Potential Causes and Solutions

    Why Do Cats Yowl at Each Other? Potential Causes and Solutions

    If you’ve ever stayed up late during the summer months, you’ve probably heard the horrifying screeches of the neighborhood cats. But why do cats yowl at each other like that? The most likely explanation is that the cats are territorial or fighting over potential mates. If you catch your pets yowling at each other, you…

  • Cat Mystery Revealed — Why Do Cats Play Early in the Morning?

    Cat Mystery Revealed — Why Do Cats Play Early in the Morning?

    Why do cats play early in the morning instead of some other (more reasonable) time?    Cats are crepuscular creatures.  Cats spend most of their day sleeping, which gives them plenty of energy in the early morning. They are creatures of habit. Our cats might have figured out that we’re away most of the day…

  • How to Restrain a Cat to Clip Its Nails. All You Need To Know

    How to Restrain a Cat to Clip Its Nails. All You Need To Know

    How to Restrain a Cat to Clip Its Nails   Restraining a cat to clip its nails can be a difficult task, especially if they struggle or try to avoid it.   Creating a safe and comfortable space for your kitty is essential to make the process smoother.   Start by placing a towel over…

  • My Old Cat Rubs Its Face On Mine: Cause for Concern or Feline Affection?

    For those of you wondering, “should I be concerned when my old cat rubs its face on mine?” there’s no reason to worry. Cats like to rub against their owners for numerous reasons, none of which are problematic. In some cases, cats rub their faces on ours to show their affection, feel more secure, surround…