Category: Cat Questions

  • Understanding Cat-on-Cat Aggression

    Understanding Cat-on-Cat Aggression

    Cats are often thought of as solitary animals. While cats can undoubtedly be independent and content to spend time alone, they are also social creatures who need companionship and interaction with other cats. In the wild, cats live in colonies and form relationships with other cats. However, when two cats come into contact with one…

  • Birman Cats: How Vocal Are They?

    Birman Cats: How Vocal Are They?

    If you’re considering adding a Birman cat to your home, you might wonder how vocal they are. Do they yowl nonstop? Chirp like birds? Or are they relatively quiet? Keep reading to learn everything you need about Birman cats and their vocalizations.   Are Birman cats vocal?   Birman cats are known for being relatively…

  • What is Ringworm, and How Do Cats Get It?

    What is Ringworm, and How Do Cats Get It?

    Ringworm is an infection caused by a common fungus. Although it’s called a “ringworm,” it has nothing to do with worms. In cats, ringworm can cause skin lesions, hair loss, itching, and discomfort. If you think your cat may have ringworm, it’s essential to know how to identify and treat the infection quickly.   How…

  • How Do Cats Get Ear Mites? All About Ear Mites in Cats

    How Do Cats Get Ear Mites? All About Ear Mites in Cats

    Ear mites are the most common cause of ear infections in cats. These microscopic parasites feed on the oils and waxes from the cat’s ear, causing a range of symptoms, including itching, head shaking, redness, and discharge. So how do cats get infected with ear mites? Let’s explore this in more detail.   How do…