Category: Cats Marking & Spraying

  • Stop Male Cat Spraying. This Actually Works

    Stop Male Cat Spraying. This Actually Works

    Cat spraying is not exactly pleasant behavior, even though most of our cats will engage in this habit at some point. Male cats are particularly notorious when we are talking about spraying. Not only does this leave a trail of stains but getting the smell out of your house is bad enough. However, in order…

  • How to Deter Tom Cats from Spraying. This Works

    How to Deter Tom Cats from Spraying. This Works

    How to Deter Tom Cats from Spraying in The House   Once you observe your cat spraying in the house, you will need to stop it immediately. However, you cannot be able to do this if you do not know the source of the behavior. We are going to look at how to deter tomcats…

  • Cat Spray Removal. The Methods That Actually Work

    Cat Spray Removal. The Methods That Actually Work

    Proven methods of cat spray removal   Cat spray removal is probably the hardest part of owning a cat. This is because it has a pungent smell that will make your entire house stink of pee. Unfortunately, most people do not have any idea of removing the smell. I cannot blame you if you are…

  • How To Stop Cats Marking With Urine. This Will Work

    How To Stop Cats Marking With Urine. This Will Work

    Cat marking boundaries using their own urine is common and normal behavior. Regardless, there is no way you are comfortable living in a house smelling of cat pee. Therefore, you will have to come up with a way to stop your cat’s from marking with urine. In most cases, cats will mark on the bed,…