How to Understand Cat Languages is key to having a calm and strong bond between the two of you. It will also make it easier for you as you will be able to understand his needs. However, your cat is not able to do so without studying his behavior as well as cat language. Cats have different ways in which they communicate with each other as well as with us. This article is going to help you understand cat behavior as well as their languages
Understand that cats are social and very expressive. However, we cannot forget to mention that they are also predators and hunters. These are some of the factors you may want to consider when you are looking to understand cat languages.
Well, this only means that cats will have some natural behaviors that may not go away, not even after domestication. Luckily for you, there are multiple studies that focus on cat behavior, featuring communication. After all, we have been domesticating these creatures for thousands of years.
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Does my cat talk to me?
The answer to this question is simply yes. Your cat talks to you every time he wants something, even when he wants some cuddle time. The only challenge that you will face is to ensure that you understand his language. Not only will he use vocalization as a way to communicate but also his body language. Therefore, in order to completely understand your kitty, you will have to spend time observing and monitoring his communication cues. We are going to discuss some of the vocal cues of communication as well as body language.
Cat meows and their meanings
Cats meow at us when they really need something from us. This is especially when they need food or cleaner litter boxes. However, other behaviors such as boredom, loneliness, and stress could contribute to vocalization. In addition, some cats will have increased vocalization and meowing when they are in heat. Below, we are going to look at some of the most common cat vocalization as well as their meanings:
Short meow
If your cat gives you a short meow, he is most likely checking up on you. It could be that he has adopted this behavior by watching you every day. For instance, when you are living with a cat, he will definitely end up picking a few habits from the two-legged family members.
This means that he has seen you saying hello to your other family members when you wake up and get back from work. There is no doubt that your cat will do this as well.
In some cases, cat owners have had an experience whereby their cats meows multiple times upon seeing them. According to cat behaviorists, this is usually nothing to worry about the meowing as your cat is excited to see you. It is more of, ‘hello! How are you?’
Low-pitched meow
As we mentioned above, cats will give different meows when they need to be attended to. However, sometimes your cat aims at letting you know that all is not well with him. This is when he will meow in a lower pitch than usual when he is under stress or fearful.
For this reason, you should always check on his emotional well-being to rule out cat stress and also boredom. Understand that your cat might develop excessive meowing if you ignore his emotional status.
When you adopt a new kitty, there is a chance that he will meow for several days. This is because it will take some time before he gets used to the new environment. In addition, if your cat has suddenly started meowing in a low-pitch, you should observe your cat and determine the reason why he is doing so.
There are several situations that may get he might be giving you this type of meow. Perhaps, your cat is under stress for some reason. Spend some time with your kitty in order to examine his behavior and also eliminate any stress causing behavior.
In case you are running a multi-cat home, your kitten will have to make your new kitten feel comfortable in your house. This is not going to be an easy task but we are going to look at how to offer comfort to new cats.
Mid-pitched Meow
When your cat gives you the mid-pitched meow, he is usually demanding for something. Cats have lived with the idea that we are responsible for feeding them, which they are. However, when he is hungry, he will let you know in a mid-pitched meow. Additionally, your cat may also do this when he wants to get into another room when the door is closed.
Note that when your cat gives you the mid-pitched meow, it does not always mean that he is hungry. It could be that your cat is demanding other things but that is for you to figure out. This is why we insist on spending some time with your cat so that you can learn and correct his behaviors.
If you ignore your cat’s first mid-pitched meow, he is going to get more creative on getting your attention. Some cat owners complain that their kitties won’t shut up when they are hungry for instance. This could lead to another behavioral vice such as excessive vocalization.
He might also give you the long-drawn-out meow which is even more annoying. In order to curb this habit, you will need to stick to a specific routine. This way, you can always ensure that all your cat’s needs are met in a timely manner.
Yowling and Hissing
As we had mentioned earlier, it is important to understand cat languages. This way, you can always be able to recognize what your cat is communicating with you. Well, yowling is not exactly a type of language for you and your cat. It is mostly used for other cats.
For instance, if your cat is still intact, he/she will go in heat when his time comes. As a result, your cat, . Unfortunately, you might have him yowling all night long, and even during the day. This, once again, can cause issues with noise disturbances in the house.
New kittens who have been abruptly separated from their biological mothers may also find it difficult to settle in the new residence. As a result of the anxiety and stress that comes from such separation, your cat might also complain through yowling.
As much as yowling signifies discomfort, do not ignore when a cat is hissing. Normally, a cat will hiss only when he is in flee or fight kind of situation. For instance, if the family dog does not seem to accommodate the new cat in the household, your cat just might have to fight back.
Your cat will hiss while exposing his fangs with unsheathed claws. He might also spit when in this situation. The best thing to do is to get him to a safe place with limited access for the dog.
You will also be able to tell when your cat is about to get into a fight through his body language, a topic that we shall discuss in a short while.
Understanding cat languages: Purring
Cat purring is also another cat sound that you will hear from your cat occasionally. Well, you may not be able to understand the exact reason why your cat is purring but we are going to help you understand purring as one of the most common cat languages.
Well, cat behaviorists believe that cats purr when they are content. This is why you may observe your cat purring when you are petting him. It is a sign that your cat is indeed happy and content with everything. In other studies, behaviorists also suggest that cats purr for healing purposes.
This can also be termed credible as most cat owners have admitted to having observed their kitties purring when sick. As a matter of fact, it is said to catalyze tissue generation and thus faster healing.
In addition, cats purr to offer comfort. For instance, a cat mother will comfort and soothe her litter through purring. Once again, cat owners, especially those with several cats also admit that cats will lie beside one another, once they notice that one of them is sad.
There are several other cats sounds that you may need to watch out for, such as chirping and chattering. These are usually associated with the cat’s predatory instincts. Your cat is likely to chirp or chatter when they have noticed a predator on sight. Sometimes, your cat might use these sounds to simply get your attention.
Understand cat through body languages
Your cat’s body language will also communicate to you and also to other cats. As we mentioned earlier, cats are very expressive which means that your kitty will not hesitate to communicate his emotional status. Be it excitement, aggression or genuine happiness, you will be able to tell what your cat really feels if you observe his body movements as well as body posture.
Usually, your cat will use his ears, eyes, and tail to communicate his intentions. A good example is when your cat is agitated or even about to attack an opponent. You will notice that his tail is slowly moving up and down while thumping on the ground.
When you observe his eyes, they will be wide open with dilated pupils. His ears might be flattened on his head or falling sideways. This might also be accompanied by hissing as well as snarling. It is a clear sign that your cat is angry and it would be best to leave him alone, especially if you have been petting him.
On the other hand, when you have a relaxed kitty, you will observe that he has his tail forming a gentle U. Well, when he is extremely excited, perhaps when you get back from work, or you are about to feed him, he will have his tail held high. He will also have straight-up ears and also lazy eyes. Your cat might also blink slowly as he wants to tell show you that he trusts you.
When your cat is trying to make himself bigger, it also means that he is agitated and probably preparing to pick a fight with his opponent. While in this position, he will arch his back with his fur straight off his body.
How to make a new cat comfortable in a new home
One of the most common reasons for excessive vocalization in cats is stress and anxiety. These are the most common behavioral issues in cats. However, we really cannot blame a new kitty who feels stressed out and anxious about the change of ownership. Therefore, be sure that you are going to need to take care of your cat intensively for the first few days.
To make it easy for your new kitty, ensure that you have already installed a feeding station as well as a litter box. This way, it is going to be easier to deal with the basic cat problems. For the first day, when you bring him home, refrain from forcing him to come to you. Instead, sit on the floor and put your arms out for him to come to you. You should only pet him when he agrees to come to you.
You may also take him to your vet to ensure that he is healthy. In addition, ensure that you have him neutered at a young age to avoid dealing with other behavioral vices later in life.
To understand cat languages should not be as difficult. You should spend enough time with your cat and learn what he really tells you. The truth is, your cat does chat with you and also communicate his needs. You will have to be caring enough to listen and to understand what he is trying to tell you.
However, you will need to really observe him as cats communicate differently. Watch out for his body language as well as the verbal cues of communication.
Once you have been able to understand the languages used by cats, you will certainly be able to form a stronger bond with your cat. You will also be able to meet all his needs and thus keep him happy and satisfied.
It is essential to create a routine that will suit your schedule as well as the needs of your cat. Spend as much time as possible in order to observe and learn his languages. I hope the above-discussed tips will be of help in understanding cat languages.
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