Understanding cat behavior is key to forming a good relationship with your cat. However, what if you could do as much as understand what he is telling you? What if your cat could communicate his needs to you? The truth of the matter is that he does. Your cat talks to you on a daily basis. It could be that you are the one who does not care or understand when he does.
In this article, we are going to explain each cat’s communication so that we can help you how to understand your cat.
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How does my cat communicate?
Cat owners understand their cats, well most of them do. They will be able to understand when the cat wants food or to play among other things. You too can learn your cat’s behavior and actually improve your relationship. There are three main ways your cat communicates through. First of all, they will use vocalization to express themselves to you. In addition, you will also have to watch out for his body language and other behaviors in order to determine what he is trying to tell you.
This is the very primary form of communication among felines. In fact, research shows that adult cat meow for communication purposes. They will rarely meow at other cats unless there is a catfight about to go down. meowing is actually reserved for feline-human communication purposes only.
However, some cats are more talkative than others. We are going to look at some of the most common cat meows and other vocalization in efforts to help you understand your kitty.
‘Hello’ cat meow
Did you know your cast saying hello to you almost every day? Well, when he walks past you and gives you a short meow, he is most definitely saying hello to you. You will observe that he does so when you get back from work and in the morning when you wake up.
In some cases, your cat will even give you multiple meows when he has missed you and is excited to see you get back home. For instance, if you keep an indoor cat, there is a likelihood that he spends most of the days on his own.
He roams around the house, probably watches TV and plays with his toys. However, this is nothing as compared to your companionship. Your cat is bound to miss you when you are gone. Now, when you come home from work or vacation, don’t be surprised if all your cat does is meow at you multiple times while pacing. He is just excited that you are finally home.
Most cats have observed this type of cat meow upon getting home from work. Usually, your cat will carry on with his business upon giving you the ‘hello’ meow.
‘Please feed me’ meow
Cats enjoy living within a routine by the way. You should develop one immediately you bring your kitty home. This way, you can both agree on each day’s routine in terms of feeding, playing and sleeping. However, should you underestimate your cat’s usual routine, then you are going to experience the demanding version of him.
A mid-pitched meow is usually your cat’s way to demand things like food, to be let out of the door or room. For example, if you are an hour late from feeding him, you are going to have problems getting him to keep calm.
This is because he expects you to follow the usual routine as he does. Well, if you ignore the first meow, your cat will give you the long-drawn-out kind of meow. It is more of ‘meow! Meoooooow!’ which is actually your cat putting emphasis on his needs. He is trying to get you to offer him whatever he needs immediately. This cat quickly transforms into an annoying habit of excessive vocalization.
To avoid this turning into an annoying habit, always maintain your set routine. Ensure that you feed your kitty on time as well as play with him. If he loves to move from one room to another, try and keep the doors open. If your cat enjoys going into the yard, you can make a cat flap for him. This way, you can always make sure that he has access to his needs.
‘This is so scary!’ Meow
It is possible to hear your cat crying for help. This is especially when your cat is faced with a certain threat. For instance, if you are in the other room and you hear your cat hissing or snarling, you should check on him immediately. This should not be the only determinant of whether your cat is scared or not. Sometimes, when your cat is fearful, he can also meow in a low pitch.
You should check on your cat to make sure that he is doing well. However, if you have recently adopted a kitty, he might be meowing like that because he is afraid and he is yet to adapt to the new environs. A stressed cat will also give you the low-pitched meow.
All in all, you should not ignore a cat who is fearful or stressed. It is your responsibility to always make sure that your cat is healthy and also comfortable in your own home.
A cat who is snarling and hissing is dangerous. In fact, you should eliminate the element causing this type of vocalization from your cat. It is also common to hear your cat snarling and hissing when you are running a multi-cat home. This is because cats may engage in fights occasionally. In most cases, cats will be able to sort it out between themselves. However, if at all your cat is snarling or hissing at a stray cat or at your dog, get him out of the situation immediately.
Purring is a way of your cat to show you that he is content. Cats will engage in purring when they are resting or when you are petting him. However, purring also has its advantages to the cat. For instance, it is known to have some healing advantages. For instance, when a cat is injured it is common to hear him purring. This is because it will usually have some healing properties.
When you are petting your kitty, you may also find to hear him purring at you. This is usually a sign of contentment from your cat. He is happy and relaxed. On the other hand, your cat may also purr when he is anxious. You will depend on other body languages to determine what is really going on with your cat.
‘You stepped on me!’ meow
If you have owned or lived with a cat, then you must know how quiet they are. Sometimes you may not see him until feeding time yet you have been in the same house all along. For this reason, you might actually step on his tail when you are walking around in the house.
When you do so, your cat will exclaim in a loud, high-pitched voice to alert you. The good thing about this is that he will not take an offense at this unless you are doing it intentionally.
Should you even hear your cat exclaim so loudly, always rush to check it out. He might be under attack or pain.
Understand your cat body language
As we mentioned earlier, it is important to pay attention to your cat’s body language. In fact, you will be able to understand your cat even more. You will be able to tell when your cat is in a bad mood and when he is relaxed by observing his body language. In most instances, your cat might use ears, eyes and sometimes tail to communicate to you. In addition, the posture your cat takes on will definitely let you in to your cat’s emotional status.
Ear talk
The position of your cat’s ears are should definitely communicate to you. For instance, if your cat’s ears are leaning forward, he probably heard some noise outside or in the other room. He has his ears leaning forward because he is alert. Well, just as the saying goes, cats are particularly curious.
They want to figure out each and everything going on around them. Even someone’s voice on the outside or footsteps coming towards the house will definitely alert them.
In other cases, cats will perform the same gesture when they are happy and content.
On the other hand, cats are expressive of their fears and also their strengths. When his ears are flattened on the head while facing backward, your cat might be scared or irritated. He will do this when he is ready to take on an opponent.
He might also have his ears sideways when your cat in this mood. In case your cat is frustrated, he will also pay attention to the cause of frustration while also using vocalization to complain. When a cat has his ears flattened on the head, this is also considered as a defensive position.
Eye Talk
Once again, all cats do communicate using their eyes. Pay attention to his eyes, especially when they are in the presence of other cats. For instance, a cat with dilated eyes could be communicating with various messages. It could be that your cat is scared or frightened. On the other hand, he might also be quite stimulated as well. This is usually after an exciting play with your kitty.
On the other hand, constricted eyes could be an indication that your kitty is aggressive. You can be able to identify aggression when his constricted eyes are also accompanied by other body languages. Cats also love a staring challenge! Your kitty might stare at you for as long as you stare at him. Usually, this is nothing more than just a playful gesture.
When your cat is slowly blinking at you or another cat, he is comfortable. Usually, cats blink slowly when they have someone or another cat who your cat trusts. You will observe this gesture when you are petting him or he is playing with some of his best cat friends. It is an indication that your cat actually likes to hang out with you and he trusts you. This is also an indication that your cat is relaxed.
Tail talk
Your cat’s tail will also tell you what your feels or wants. Usually, it is the way your cat will position his tail that will communicate to you. For instance, when your cat has his tail up, it is an indication that he is happy and approachable. This is the best time to play or give him a bath as he is peaceful and generally in a good mood.
On the other hand, when his tail is down, he is scared or facing a threat. Understand that your cat has a very strong sense of hearing. He can actually hear the outside noises even when he is in the house. In addition, he can also pick the scent of someone or another cat from the outside. When your cat has his tail all the way down, determine the reason behind this gesture.
When your cat is wagging his tail, you should be wary of him. Unlike in dogs where wagging of the tail is usually an indication for joy. This usually shows that your cat is agitated and it would be best to leave him alone. Even though cats are social, they also like to be left alone sometimes. If your cat appears irritated, it is best to leave him alone for some time.
Sometimes your cat may also put up the Halloween-cat tail might also indicate agitation. This is actually his way of making himself look bigger. Usually, this will happen right before a fight.
In order to understand your cat, you must pay attention to him. Observe his body language as well as his vocalization. This way, you will be able to understand what he is trying to tell you. We have discussed some of the most important cues of communication that you will need to pay attention to. Cats are social and also quite expressive. Therefore, you should not have much trouble determining what he is trying to tell you or his feelings.
As we have mentioned multiple times earlier, it is important to develop a routine with your cat. This will avoid any misunderstandings between the two of you. In addition, good communication between you and your cat will lead to a strong bond. In addition, it is easier to train your cat a few other tricks once you have mastered how he communicates.
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