Removing Cat Urine From Your Mattress
How to Get Rid of the Urine Smell
Cat urine is not just smelly, but it can also be a health hazard in the sense that it can cause respiratory problems for some people. It has a strong odor, and this can exacerbate asthma and other respiratory issues. So, how can you go about removing cat urine from a mattress? Consider the following steps:
Eliminate the Excess
Before you do anything else, the first thing to do is to absorb all of the excess urine from the area. Ideally, you would find the urine when it’s still fresh and wet. This would allow you to absorb it with cloths and towels. Make sure that you press firmly around the area to absorb as much of the cat urine as you can before doing anything else.
Cats will keep marking the same spot when they smell it, so you need to work quickly to absorb as much as you can. If you don’t have any towels to use, you can use paper towels instead. Just make sure that whatever you use, it’s absorbent enough to soak up the excess cat urine.
Once you’ve done this, either throw out the towels or wash them as soon as possible to get rid of the smell.
Take it Outside
When you’ve soaked up as much of the urine as you can, it’s time to take your mattress outside. Obviously, you’re going to need reasonable weather to do this, so just make the best of it. The important thing is to find a spot where it can dry out and where you can clean it further.
If you really can’t take it outside due to the weather, you can leave it inside. Just make sure that you place some towels and a large plastic sheet between the affected mattress and the box spring. This means that you can protect the rest of the bed from your cleaning duties as you get to work.
Soak it with Lots of water
Removing cat urine from a mattress is not easy, but it can certainly be done. Once you’ve absorbed as much as you can and prepared the area, it’s time to take a bucket of about four cups of room temperature water and pour it on the area where the urine is.
What this does is dilute the chemicals in the urine and help to get rid of the smell. The water will also help to flush out the cat urine from the fibers of your mattress so that it makes the subsequent cleaning steps easier.
Absorb the Excess Again
This time you’ll be soaking up as much of the water as you can. Press towels firmly into the wet area and around the mattress to soak up as much of the water as you can. Once you’ve done this, you can wash the towels or throw them away.
It’s Time to Get the Cleaner Out
All of the previous steps have really been about preparing the mattress and eliminating as much of the urine as possible through dilution and absorption, but now it’s time to get serious and get out the chemical cleaning agents.
One of the best products you can get a hold of for this is an enzyme-based cleaner. Unlike regular cleaners, enzyme-based cleaners will attack the chemicals in the urine and break them down. This eliminates the smell and makes the urine itself easier to clean.
If you don’t have or don’t have access to a chemical cleaner such as this, you can try using a mix of vinegar and water. This has become a common and very inexpensive cleaning solution for many people. It’s also environmentally friendly.
The acids in the vinegar are very effective at cleaning many household areas where there are stubborn stains, and it’s worth trying out for removing cat urine from a mattress, too.
Make Sure You Pour it on
Even if the cleaning product you use comes in a spray bottle, you shouldn’t spray it. This will only penetrate the surface and you really need to get down to the deeper layers where most of the urine will be sitting.
The best way to do this is to remove the bottle cap and pour it straight onto the affected area. Make sure you completely saturate the area with your cleaner of choice so that it has the best chance of getting down to the deeper layers and flushing out all of the urine.
Soak and Then Absorb
Once the cleaner has saturated the area, you need to leave it for at least 15 minutes to do its work. This will hopefully allow the cleaning agent to reach as many of the layers of the mattress as possible and eliminate the cat urine.
When you have let it soak like this, you need to absorb as much of the excess cleaner as possible. Use towels again or paper towels. Whichever is easiest.
Baking Soda Is Your Friend
Did you know that placing a small cup of regular baking soda into your refrigerator will absorb any nasty smells in there? You can do the same with your mattress, too.
Make sure you spread the baking soda over the stained area liberally and leave it on for a while. The baking soda will help to draw up any moisture from the mattress and also absorb some of the remaining smell. Leave the mattress with the baking soda on it as you air dry it.
Speed up the Drying Process
Since you’ve soaked your mattress numerous times, it’s going to take a whole lot of time for it to dry out properly. Ideally, you would leave it out in the hot sun on a plastic sheet to dry. If this isn’t possible, you can speed up the drying time by placing a fan right near it to help in the process of evaporation.
Should you find that it’s taking a very long time and you really need to use it for sleeping, you can sweep up all of the baking soda and place towels on the wet areas. At the very least, you’ll be able to use it as it dries.
Don’t Let it Happen Again
As frustrating as it can be to find that your cat has urinated all over your mattress, you can clean it quite effectively. The important thing is to identify why your cat is engaging in this behavior and then take steps to prevent it.
As a loving cat owner, it’s really the last thing you want to wake up to a smelly puddle of urine in your bed. Cat urine is smelly and it can make lots of cat owners crazy when they start to urinate outside of their litter tray. The good news is that there are things that can be done to stop it and clean your mattress.
Removing cat urine from a mattress, there are a number of other things to be aware of. Essentially, you want to understand why your furry friend might be urinating in this way because it’s not normal for them and certainly not a great thing for you.
A Little Understanding Goes a Long Way
Even though your cat urinating in the bed is incredibly frustrating and can create a lot of anger, you should never be harsh with your cat. They are urinating for a good reason and they will not understand your ranting and raving at them. Your cat will see your anger as scary and it may even amplify its urinating behavior.
What’s really important at this point is that you try to find out why your cat is doing it in the first place. You could clean your mattress, but if you don’t get at the reasons why your cat has decided to use your mattress like a toilet, it will likely do it again.
Identifying the Causes of the Behavior
If your cat has urinated on the mattress, you’re obviously going to have to clean it up, but you also need to understand why your cat is engaging in this behavior in the first place. By understanding this, you’ll have a much better idea of how to prevent it from going forward. Not addressing it, and simply cleaning the mattress, will make it more likely that your cat will do it again.
Some causes of your cat Peeing on the mattress
- Physical Health Problems
- Dirty Litter Tray
- Declawed cats
- Territorial Problems
- litter box in the wrong place
- Stress & Anxiety
Cats are unlike us in the sense that their behavior is very logical. Normally, cats will use a litter tray, but when they begin to urinate in the home outside of the tray this is a sign that there’s something wrong. So, what are the most common causes of this urination behavior and why might your cat be urinating on your bed? Consider the following:
- Physical Health Problems
The first thing you should do is have your cat checked out by a local veterinary specialist if it is urinating or defecating outside of its tray. There are a number of health conditions that can cause this sort of urination, including, but not limited to, urinary tract infection, kidney infection, diabetes, and dementia. If it turns out that there is a medical problem, it may be treatable or at least manageable and you’ll have the answer you wanted.
- Dirty Litter Tray
Every cat lover will tell you that cats are very fussy and particular about their personal cleanliness and the cleanliness of their surroundings. Cats hate urinating or defecating in a dirty litter box, so you need to make sure that your cat is not avoiding it because of this.
Ideally, you should scoop out the dirty litter a few times a day and partially refill it with the right kind of cat litter. Doing this may just solve your problem.
- Declawed Cats
Though popular with some people, it’s never a good idea to declaw any cat. Their claws are a really vital part of their psychological and physical makeup and taking them away can leave the cat feeling stressed and engaging in unwanted behaviors, such as urinating on the mattress.
One of the biggest issues with declawed cats is that the pads on their paws often become oversensitive. They might not like the way that the cat litter feels because of this.
- Territorial Problems
Male cats are especially territorial, even if they have been neutered. If you have more than one cat in your home, you might be finding that one or more of them is engaging in urinating behavior to mark out their own territory.
One way to solve this issue is to have a litter tray in a different location in the home for each cat. This means that they can each use a different area for toileting and they are less likely to use your mattress.
- Litter Box Is in the Wrong Area
Apart from cats being especially fussy and overly clean at times, they can also be a bit strange. That is, they are pretty strange to us as humans! To other cats, it makes perfect sense.
Something else that all cats have a problem with is when their litter tray is in the wrong spot. They might feel uncomfortable about using it because it’s in a part of the home where noisy children often play, or because it’s in an area where they feel vulnerable and insecure. It might even be as simple as it is near a machine or TV that makes a lot of noise.
- Issues with the Litter Tray
It might seem as if cats can have endless problems with their litter tray, but the good thing about this is that it might prove to be an easy fix for the bedroom urination issues you’re having.
Cats do like is some privacy to do their toilet business. Some people buy litter boxes with a roof because they look nice or because the owners think that it will keep the smell inside. Cats actually hate it when their litter tray is covered like this because they not only feel claustrophobic, but they also can’t see what’s going on around them. This makes them feel vulnerable and insecure.
That urine smell
The problem with covered litter trays is that keeping the smell inside can make it very smelly for the cat, too. Imagine that you have to go to a smelly toilet all of the time. How unappealing would that be to you? Your cat feels the same way about foul-smelling cat boxes and they are more likely to urinate elsewhere, including your mattress.
One other issue that many cat owners overlook is that they might be using the wrong cat litter or the wrong cleaner. Cats are very sensitive to textures and smells, and litter that clumps up or feels weird on their paws will put them off using it. Harsh and strong chemical cleaners in the litter tray can also make them avoid it like the plague.
Finally, cats hate it when the litter tray is too small. They feel cramped up and unable to move in a way that makes them feel comfortable enough to urinate or defecate. This can lead to them avoiding the litter tray altogether and doing it in your bed instead. This is the last thing you want.
- Stress and Anxiety
We try our best to understand our animal friends, but sometimes they are trying to tell us something and we’re not listening. Urinating on your mattress is a sure sign that something is wrong, and it could be stress and anxiety.
Just as humans become stressed out and engage in certain negative behaviors, cats can also feel anxious and stressed and do things that you’d rather they didn’t do at all. Here are some of the most common things that get cats all stressed out and anxious:
Competing Cats
- Competing with other cats in the home for territory and safe space
- Dealing with noisy and rough children who might frighten them
- Dealing with a sudden change in living circumstances and routine, such as moving home, a new housemate, or a new baby
Don’t underestimate how stressed out your cat can get. We often take it for granted that they are able to deal with our human world, but there are times when we need to understand that they are a different species and aren’t able to deal with some issues in the way that we can.
Dealing with Those Fussy Cats
One of the big lessons here is probably that cats are pretty fussy creatures. But, this would be to miss the central point. They are not human, as much as some of us might like them to be. This means that we need to understand their language, their needs, and their behaviors so that we can best look after them so they are happy and healthy.
If you ignore the signs of a cat with behavior problems and don’t address it, you might be doing more than just removing cat urine from a mattress. You might need to engage the services of a cat expert.
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