Understanding Siamese Cat Body Language can be a powerful tool for any caring owner to understand their needs and feelings. Siameses have been shown to be among the most intelligent breeds of cats and possess incredible vocalization skills.
They absolutely love chatting with anybody able to listen and understand them. While their language is made up of purrs, chirps, and mews that can be quite complicated to comprehend, their body language is clear.
If you know the signs to look for in their body and movements, you will be more than halfway through to understanding your cat fully! Let’s have a look at how to learn to understand Siamese Cat Body Language
Why is body language so important
Firstly, let’s have a look at why is it so important to understand our cat’s body language. Just like humans, cats communicate mostly through movements, signs, and facial expressions. Studies have found that over 50% of the communication process is nonverbal and to truly understand the needs of our pets we really need to be looking at their body language.
In the case of siamese cats, we have already seen that they are among the most intelligent felines that decide to spend their lives in the company of their owner. They are incredibly good at communicating their needs. They have, in fact, developed to be able to communicate to humans and respond to specific commands.
While understanding a cat’s vocabulary can take time, understanding her or his body language can be more straightforward. However, keep in mind that each cat’s personality is different and might have different habits. But having a knowledge of how usually your cat moves around, you will be able to understand his needs straight away.
Being able to communicate with your cat will not only benefit your wellbeing but also straighten the bond with your pet! It’s going to take you no time to start understanding your cat better, but you just need to know what to look for!
How to understand your Siamese cat body language
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Keep in mind that even if you are an expert in understanding human body language, a cat’s expressions are a completely different matter. However, if you are able to read your colleagues’ and family members’ body language, you will know how helpful this is in the communication process.
So what are the main differences between a cat and a human’s body language? Well, the different body parts! Humans mostly communicate through hand gestures and posture, while cats rely on their ears, eyes, and tails. Sometimes all three at the same time.
Start off observing your cat for a prolonged period of time. Look at his behavior within the house, outside or in relation to other humans and cats. This will give you an indication of how a particular cat communicates.
For example, if when he gets scared, he raises his fur, you will know that that is a sign of fear, discomfort, or need for protection. While each cat’s body language follows a standard baseline, each pet might have different ways to behave.
Your cat’s tail is the first thing you should be looking at when trying to decipher his body language. Your siamese’s feelings will be in the open in just a few seconds, as cats mainly express themselves through their tails. The importance of recognizing a cat’s tail posture has been deemed essential by a number of cat behavior consultants.
Let’s have a look at the different tail positions and what they all mean in different situations to understand Siamese Cat Body Language
- Tail up: a cat that has his tail up express cheerfulness, happiness and usually is happy to be approached.
- Tail down: a scared cat would hold his tail down. It is also a way of saying he doesn’t want to be approached.
- A wagging tail: If a cat is moving his tail back and forth means the same as per a dog. He’s happy!
- Tail moving slowly back and forth: the cat is trying to figure out the situation. In this case, there is usually something he can’t decipher.
Cats express themselves vastly through their ears. We often underestimate this. This is because as humans we don’t usually express their feelings through this body part. Moreover, often we are not able to decipher it as we are so unfamiliar with this difference.
However, a large number of studies have reported that cats use their ears to put an accent on their needs. Let’s have a look at some ear positions you should be recognizing in your cat to understand him or her better.
- Forward: A cat with his ears forward is feeling playful and ready for cuddles.
- Backward: A cat with his ears straight back might be feeling fear and probably wants to be left alone
- Straight up: This means something has caught the attention of your cat. Try to identify the cause and show it to him in a slow way. You will see his ears relax when he knows he is in control of the situation.
- Sideways: Be cautious around a cat with his ears in this position. He might be feeling nervous or scared and this put him in a defensive mode.
- Ears backward, flat against his head: This means that the cats need to be left alone and might be dangerous! He might be feeling scared, nervous or angry, and he’s showing his emotions to you through his ears.
Just like humans, cats communicate through their eyes. “The eyes are the mirror of your soul” quote is true as much for cats as for humans. Moreover, cats can’t hide or lie about their feelings, so everything will be in plain sight.
It is just up to you to understand the expressions of your cat, so let’s have a look at the differences and what they mean!
- If the pupils are dilated: several cat behaviorists have proven that a cat with dilated pupils is scared or stimulated. It can just be due to surprise but it is recommended to approach him with care. He might be aggressive!
- If the pupils are constricted: If there is normal light in the room, this means that the cat is scared or attentive. He might be dangerous. Try to slowly show him what caught his attention, he might relax after a few seconds. The general rule is that if the cat is tense is better to avoid touching him or trying to play.
- Staring: if your cat is staring either you or another animal, he’s challenging the other. Show him you are on his side!
- Blinking slowly: Like in dogs, a cat that is slowly blinking at you is trying to tell you that he feels comfortable and safe around you. Similarly, if the eyes are half-closed, this is a relaxed cat that is ready for a cuddle!
Things to keep in mind when understanding Siamese Cat Body Language
Training yourself to understand your siamese cat’s feelings and needs can be challenging but it will be an extremely rewarding process. It has been seen that owners that developed a strong bond with their pets are happier, less lonely and more productive. While siamese cats are famous for their vocalization skills, their body language is just as important to understand them well and create an even deeper relationship that you have had so far.
Here are a few tips to start off your training correctly.
Be patient
Understanding your cat’s complex body language doesn’t happen overnight. You will have to study how he behaves in different situations and conditions and often wait for reactions. For this, you will also need for a situation to happen again to see whether your cat behaves similarly as before or differently.
Be observant
Not intruding on the natural interactions of your cats will give you an idea of how he normally behaves. Observing and noting these expressions might be helpful in the future.
Be interesting
Siamese cats are extremely intelligent. After you have learned the basic body language that means “I’m hungry” or “I want attention”, you will need to stimulate your mind cats for more complex vocabulary. For example, using games can bring up some expressions and body movements that your cat doesn’t usually use.
Have fun!
Both you and your cat should be having fun while you learn! If you are feeling like it’s a big challenge to take up on your own, there are books which offer step by step guide to train yourself to understand your cat. See my course here.
siamese cats love speaking to you and communicating through both verbal and nonverbal messages. Understanding your Siamese cat’s body language can help you create a stronger and happier bond with your pet.
Ultimately you will be able to respond to his or her needs promptly and without hesitation. Are you a siamese cat lover or owner? Is understanding your pet’s body language a challenge for you? If it’s not, how did you learn? Let us know your opinions and questions by leaving a message below!
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