Category: Cat Breeds

  • Do Manx cats have bowel problems?

    Do Manx cats have bowel problems?

    Manx cats, known for their taillessness, have a long history of being beloved pets. But have you ever wondered if Manx cats have any genetic predispositions regarding bowel problems? This blog post will explore the risks and symptoms associated with bowel issues in Manx problems   Do Manx cats have bowel problems? . Manx cats…

  • Do Manx cats like water? What You Need to Know

    Do Manx cats like water? What You Need to Know

    Manx cats are a unique breed known for their lack of tails. But do they like water? The answer is complicated. Some will dip in the pool on a hot day, while others may not be keen on getting wet. To understand why this is, let’s take a closer look at Manx cats and their…

  • All About the Manx Cat: A Natural Mouser?

    All About the Manx Cat: A Natural Mouser?

    The Manx cat is a unique feline from the Isle of Man. It’s known for its short or absent tail and loving, playful nature. But one question remains—are Manx cats good mousers? So let’s explore whether this breed has what it takes to be a successful hunter and how you can help your Manx become…

  • Can Bobcats and Cats Get Along?

    Can Bobcats and Cats Get Along?

    Many people are unaware that cats and bobcats are related. Bobcats, also known as Lynx rufus, is the smallest of the North American wild cats. Despite their wild nature, bobcats can live in harmony with domesticated cats — as long as a few specific steps are taken to ensure their safety.   Can bobcats and…