Category: Cats Marking & Spraying

  • How to stop cats spraying in my garden. This Works.

    How to stop cats spraying in my garden. This Works.

    Managing cats spraying in your garden can be a complex problem, but understanding the underlying behavior behind it and taking appropriate measures is critical. Feline urine marking is usually caused by insecurity. Cats are staking out their territory by spraying strong-smelling urine on vertical surfaces they deem part of their personal space. The first attempt…

  • What You Need to Know About Litter Training a Feral Kitten

    What You Need to Know About Litter Training a Feral Kitten

    Feral cats are often considered to be untrainable and challenging to care for. But, with patience and persistence, it is possible to train a feral cat how to use the litter box. Below, we’ll look at some tips for training your feral kitten to use the litter box. With these tips and tricks, you can…

  • Why are Stray Cats Spraying Outside My House? And How To Stop Them

    Why are Stray Cats Spraying Outside My House? And How To Stop Them

    If you have noticed stray cats spraying outside your house, you may wonder why this behavior is occurring and what can be done about it. The truth is that there are various reasons why cats spray, and each situation needs to be examined on its own merits. In this blog post, we will look at…

  • Does lemon stop cats spraying? The Surprising Answer

    Does lemon stop cats spraying? The Surprising Answer

    As a cat owner, you may have experienced the unpleasant surprise of coming home to find that your feline friend has been spraying in your home. It’s a frustrating experience that can be difficult to manage. Many people are curious if lemon can stop cats from spraying, and the answer is yes – but only…