Do Cats Like A Clean House

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Owning a cat means that your home will become messy and dirty if you do not look after it properly – and one of the most common questions that cat owners ask is ‘do cats like a clean house?’

There is a widespread belief that cats prefer things to be clean and tidy and that these feline friends will be miserable living in an unkempt home.

In this article, we are going to be looking at whether a cat likes a clean home and how you can maintain your house to a cat-friendly standard.


Do Cats Like A Clean House?


One of the first things that we should consider is that, whilst cats are not the type of animal you will find slobbing out in a mound of dirt, they are not as fussy as you might think. These pets are very quickly able to adapt to their environment, but this does not mean that they will thrive in a mucky abode.

For the most part, cats like things clean, and one of their pet hates is a dirty litter box. Even if your kitty doesn’t seem to mind chaos elsewhere in the home, chances are he will turn his nose up at a dirty litter box. Whilst this doesn’t sound too bad on its own when you consider that your puss may then treat other areas of the home like a litter tray, you feel a lot more compelled to clean it out regularly.


Tips For Keeping Your Cat’s Litter Box Clean


If you don’t want your cat to treat your home like one giant litter box, you must take good care of their toilet and maintain it daily. If there is anything that a cat hates above all else, it’s a smelly, mucky litter tray.

Keeping it fresh for your moggy isn’t as challenging as many cat owners would have you believe and following some simple daily maintenance tips can ensure your cat is kept happy.

  • Scoop out any mess as soon as you notice it. Whilst it remains in the litter tray, this could deter your cat from using it next time she needs to go.
  • The litter should be completely changed at least every two weeks – during this change, you should discard the used litter, disinfect the litter box, dry it thoroughly and refill it with a fresh layer.
  • It is a wise idea to change the litter tray at least once a year. If you do not, scratch marks and other damage can make an excellent place for bacteria to breed, and not only will this put your cat off using the tray, but it will also cause a pungent odor.
  • There are self-cleaning litter boxes that automatically clear away any poop and keep the box fresh and clean, which will encourage the cat to use it.

[amazon box=”B07X3XFB6K” template=”horizontal”]Are There Other Places In The House That Cats Like To Be Clean?


Your cat won’t only demand a clean litter tray; there are many other areas around the home in which our feline friends crave cleanliness.


Eating Areas


Most notably, cats love to have a clean place to eat – and this isn’t surprising since, as humans, we recoil in horror if we are presented with dirty tableware or an unsanitary eating area. Your cat feels the same.

If your cat has ever refused her meal even when she hasn’t eaten all day, this could be down to the cleanliness of her dining area. Many cat owners omit washing their kitty’s bowls in between meals and are under the impression that ‘it’s just a cat, it won’t mind.’ But this couldn’t be further from the truth.

The reason that your puss may find a meal difficult to eat from a dirty bowl is because he has a much stronger sense of smell than you and me. It is known that a cat’s sense of smell is up to 14 times stronger than a human; this means that everything he smells is hugely intensified. If there is even the slightest bit of residue from a previous meal, this can be too off-putting for your furry friend, and he will likely push his dinner away. Imagine being served a beautiful steak dinner that smelt strongly of the fish pie that had been previously served on the same plate.

Furthermore, an unsanitary eating area could lead to bacteria being able to breed, and this could be a potential hazard to your car, causing illness.


A Place To Rest Her Head


Unlike their canine counterparts, who don’t seem to mind lying on top of toys and half-eaten snacks, cats prefer a spotless and hygienic place to sleep – why do you think that so many of them opt to catch some ZZZ’s on their human’s beds?

But a lot of cat owners are oblivious to this fact and do not provide their beloved moggies with somewhere immaculate to sleep. Your cat’s sense of smell is to blame once again for this, and since old hair and bacteria can make their bed a bit stinky, they pick up on this a lot sooner than we do.

Be sure to frequently wash your cat’s bedding but remember that he probably won’t favor a strong-smelling detergent and unscented ones are the best option.


Clean Toys


Not all cats have a penchant for a robotic mouse or a passion for a furry on a stick, but there are some who love to interact with their toys for fun and exercise.

But, you’ve guessed it, our feline friends like their things to be kept clean. If they aren’t, you will probably notice that the cat doesn’t play with them.

Hard or plastic toys can be wiped over or soaked in hot water and vinegar, whereas soft toys should be cleaned on a gentle cycle using an unscented washing detergent. However, if you have toys that contain catnip, you should be prepared to replace these regularly.


Are There Areas That Cats Don’t Need To Be Clean?


We mentioned earlier that cats may not be as fussy as you might think, but after learning about their picky habits, you may be wondering what we are referring to.

Whilst your cat wants a clean place to eat, sleep, play, and do their business, they are more than happy if there is a little bit of clutter around the home. Provided that this clutter does not pose a safety risk in terms of dust or bacteria build-up or potential accidents, it can provide your cat with the perfect place to hideaway.

If you have a stack of boxes that contain your kid’s toys or a pile of items that won’t fit into any of your cupboards, your kitty might like to take a few quiet moments behind these.

However, vast levels of clutter could pose a risk to your cat, and it is also important to remember that she will likely benefit from lots of open space to play, so it’s crucial to find a happy medium.




Many people believe that cats like to live in pristine conditions, and this isn’t surprising when we see how well these animals take care of themselves. But the truth is that cats don’t mind a little bit of clutter – the issue lies in the hygiene and cleanliness of their essential areas.

Your kitty’s litter box, eating area, toys, and bed are all important parts of their life and things that they will use every day. This means that they are going to get dirty, in the same way, that the things that we use will get dirty. However, your cat will not take kindly to having to use a litter box that hasn’t been emptied or a bed that hasn’t been cleaned, so it is vital that you stay on top of these tasks.

Regular maintenance of these areas will ensure that your cat remains happy and healthy.

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