Category: Cat Breeds

  • Unraveling the Mystery of the Maine Coon Cat’s Size

    Unraveling the Mystery of the Maine Coon Cat’s Size

    In recent years, the Maine Coon cat has become one of the most popular breeds of cats in America. But why are they so big? Let’s take a closer look at this beloved breed and try to get to the bottom of this mystery.   Why are Maine coon cats so big?   Maine coon…

  • Are Maine coon cats dangerous?

    Are Maine coon cats dangerous?

    Are Maine coon cats dangerous? The short answer is no. These cats are among the most popular cat breeds due to their laid-back personalities and gentle dispositions. Let’s take a look at why Maine coons are considered one of the safest cats to have as a pet.   Are Maine Coons Dangerous?   No. These…

  • Predators of the Maine Coon Cat

    Predators of the Maine Coon Cat

    The Maine Coon is one of the most popular breeds of cats with its unique look, luxurious coat, and sweet disposition. But even this lovable breed has predators it needs to be aware of. Understanding what these predators are and how to protect your beloved pet will help you keep your Maine Coon safe.  …

  • Can a Maine Coon Cat Kill a Coyote?

    Can a Maine Coon Cat Kill a Coyote?

    The Maine Coon cat is one of the largest domestic cat breeds, with some males weighing up to 20 pounds. But could this giant housecat take on a wild coyote, weighing anywhere from 15 to 50 pounds? Let’s explore this question and look at the facts.   Can a Maine coon cat kill a coyote?…