Category: Cat Questions

  • Can You Train Your Cat to Come When Called?

    Can You Train Your Cat to Come When Called?

    We’ve all seen viral videos of cats responding to their owners when called by name. But is this something all cats can learn, or is it just a few lucky felines? You can train your cat to come when called—it just takes patience and understanding. So, let’s take a closer look at how to do…

  • Six Reasons Why Your Cat Never Finishes its Food

    Six Reasons Why Your Cat Never Finishes its Food

    If you’re a cat owner, you may have noticed that your furry friend rarely finishes its food. This can be incredibly confusing if your feline tends to eat the same meals day after day. So why is it that cats don’t always finish their food? Let’s look at some of the most common reasons this…

  • Did Cats Start Meowing Because of Humans? The Mystery of Cat Meows

    Did Cats Start Meowing Because of Humans? The Mystery of Cat Meows

    Have you ever wondered why cats meow? It turns out that this is a surprisingly complex question, and the answer may surprise you. Recent research suggests that cats have developed their meowing to communicate with humans rather than with other cats. So let’s take a closer look at this phenomenon.   Did Cats Start Meowing…