In general, cats do not leave poop stains around the house. This happens only when feces gets trapped in their long fur or if they have issues with the litter box you’ve provided. However, in many cases, leaving poop stains around the house is a sign of an underlying medical problem.
Continue reading to discover why cats poop around the house and how you can prevent this from happening.
Is It Normal For My Cat To Leave Poop Stains?
No, it’s not normal for your cat to leave poop stains. If your cat leaves poop stains where they sit, you’ll need to investigate what is causing it. First, check for external issues, such as diet issues, the wrong litter box, or a hygiene issue from their long fur.
If none of these external factors are causing your cat to leave poop stains, you’ll need to check for any internal illnesses and book an appointment with your vet.
Why Do My Cat Leave Poop Stains?
While it’s not commonplace for cats to leave poop stains, there are some reasons why this might occur.
Your Cat Has Diarrhea Or Is Constipated.
If your cat has diarrhea, it may not even be able to make it to the litter box in time, so that’s why you could be finding poop stains around the house. In addition, if your feline is suffering from watery stools, they’ll be much more likely to get in a mess, which they unfortunately then trample around your home.
If you know the cause of diarrhea, you can wait 24 hours for it to pass, providing your kitty with plenty of fluids. But, if you don’t know the cause or if diarrhea lasts more than a day, you should seek advice from your vet immediately.
Diarrhea in cats can point to conditions such as colon cancer or kidney disease, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.
In contrast, if the opposite is true, and your cat is suffering from constipation, the fecal matter may attach itself to the fur around their butt when attempting to poop. Either way, if your cat experiences toileting issues, seek advice from your vet as soon as possible.
You Have A Long-Haired Cat.
While long-haired cats are lovely to look at, they can fall victim to hygiene issues. One of the problems with longer fur is that it can be prone to getting feces trapped in it. To minimize the chances of this happening, ensure that the litter box you provide is of sufficient size.
A cat needs to comfortably squat in their litter box without touching the sides or walls. This means there is less chance of them popping on the sides and less chance of fecal matter making its way into their fur.
If you’re still having problems, despite the size of your litter tray is sufficient, you can try trimming the fur around your cat’s bum.
There Are Issues With Your Cat’s Litter Box.
The most common problem with litter boxes is that owners do not clean them often enough. When a cat uses its litter tray, it may inadvertently get old fecal matter stuck to it, which it then tracks through the house.
If their litter box gets too dirty, they may refuse to use it altogether and find other places in the house where they can poop. And, if the litter box is too small, you may discover that your cat gets poop on the side of the tray, which gets trapped in their fur and trailed through your home.
Be particularly mindful of older cats or cats suffering from arthritis who may struggle to get in and out of their litter box. These issues could mean that your cat poops in another location and is more likely to make a mess and track poop around your home.
How Can I Stop My Cat From Leaving Poop Stains Around The House?
It’s not commonplace for cats to leave poop stains all over the house, so your first step in prevention should be to understand why it’s happening.
Firstly, check the external factors: did you change your cat’s diet recently? If so, have you noticed any issues with diarrhea or constipation? Solving this problem could be as simple as switching their diet back to what it was before.
Is your cat’s litter box big enough? Do you often notice poop smeared on the sides of the litter box? If yes, consider replacing the litter box with a bigger one. This can help prevent messy popping and fecal matter attaching to your cat’s fur.
If the problem persists, or you’re unable to find the cause, consult with your vet for an internal check-up, as leaving poop stains around the house can signify an underlying medical condition.
How Do I Remove Cat Poop Stains From Around My Home?
If your cat trails fecal matter around your home, you’ll want to remove it as quickly and efficiently as possible to prevent lingering smells, bacteria, or hygiene issues.
Begin by picking up any solid lumps of poop with a paper towel. If the stool is runny or watery, wipe up as much as you can before proceeding to the next step.
Once you’ve removed as much of the poop as possible, mix some detergent with water and rub it onto the affected spot. Use a bristly brush to remove the poop rather than rubbing it around, then wipe away the suds with a paper towel.
Repeat this process until the paper towel comes back clean. Ideally, finish with a spray that can neutralize the odor. This keeps your home fresh and acts as a deterrent for your cat, who may return to the same spot.
Final Thoughts.
It’s uncommon for cats to leave poop stains around the house. If you notice your feline is doing this, it’s a sign that something is wrong. It could be as simple as a change in diet or the wrong size litter tray. Still, if these solutions don’t stop the problem, you’ll need to refer your feline to a vet for assessment.
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