Category: Cat Questions

  • Why are Siamese Cats so Needy. A Helpful & Useful Guide

    Why are Siamese Cats so Needy. A Helpful & Useful Guide

    Siamese cats are known for their striking appearances, elegant features, and unmistakable vocalizations. But their seemingly needy behavior makes these captivating feline companions stand out from other breeds. Siamese cats often exhibit characteristics such as attention-seeking, desire for constant companionship, and a strong attachment to their human caregivers. This neediness can be attributed to the…

  • Why Are Cats Called Moggies: An Insight into the Origins of the Term

    Why Are Cats Called Moggies: An Insight into the Origins of the Term

    Cats have been domesticated for thousands of years and have become a beloved household pet for many people worldwide. One of the terms used to refer to cats is “moggy,” but where did this term come from? This article will explore the origins of the term “moggy” and why it refers to cats. The term…

  • Can I Use Human & Dove Soap on My Cat? A Guide to Safely Cleaning Your Pet

    Can I Use Human & Dove Soap on My Cat? A Guide to Safely Cleaning Your Pet

    It is not recommended to use Human and Dove soap on your cat. Cats have sensitive skin, and their skin pH is different from humans. Using human soap on cats can cause skin irritation, dryness, and other skin problems. It is best to use cat-specific shampoos formulated for their skin type and pH level. Additionally,…

  • Why Does My Cat Put Her Paw On My Mouth?

    Why Does My Cat Put Her Paw On My Mouth?

    Many cat owners have experienced the strange behavior of their feline friends putting their paws on their mouth. It can be a confusing and uncomfortable experience for some, but it’s essential to understand that this behavior is not necessarily a sign of aggression or dominance. In fact, there are several reasons why a cat may…