Category: Cats Marking & Spraying

  • Stop cats spraying my car. This will work.

    Stop cats spraying my car. This will work.

    Stop cats spraying my car. A helpful guide.     Waking up to a car smelling of cat pee is not exactly a great way to start off your day. It can turn out to be even more frustrating if you do not own a cat but your car has stains of urine. Therefore, there…

  • How to stop boy cat spraying. This will work.

    How to stop boy cat spraying. This will work.

    How do I stop a boy cat spraying?   If you have a boy cat spraying all over your house, you are going to need a quick solution to this problem. However, as indicated above, it is quite important that you have your cat checked for any illnesses. Once the vet rules out medical issues,…

  • Female Cat Spraying Everywhere. A Helpful Guide

    Female Cat Spraying Everywhere. A Helpful Guide

    Since spraying is actually one of the many reasons why people surrender cats to shelters, it is, therefore, essential for you to understand why your female cat is spraying. Some of these reasons include stress, anxiety, litter box problems, and in some cases your cat might be sick. Therefore there is a requirement to take…