How do I stop a boy cat spraying?
If you have a boy cat spraying all over your house, you are going to need a quick solution to this problem. However, as indicated above, it is quite important that you have your cat checked for any illnesses. Once the vet rules out medical issues, it is then vital to concentrate on your cat’s behaviors. Identify the cause of his spraying as soon as you can. Below are some of the tips you may use to curb boy cat spraying:
Clean the sprayed surface
There is a likelihood that your cat is going to come back to spray the previously sprayed surface. However, through thorough cleaning, you can be able to erase any evidence of the spraying. This will require you to thoroughly wash the surface to get rid of the stains and smell. It is recommended that you use an enzymatic cleaner to wash off the urine.
Once you have completely cleaned the surface, your cat will not be able to recall which part he had marked. This will in return discourage your cat from repeating the behavior.
Address underlying litter box issues
Even though spraying and inappropriate elimination are totally different, your boy cat may be spraying because of underlying litter box issues. For instance, a dirty litter box is such a turn-off to your cat. He may refuse to use the litter box and instead display his frustration.
Therefore, you should always provide clean litter boxes at all times for your kitty. In addition, make sure you scoop the waste at least twice each day.
Also, make sure that your cat can locate the litter box and is comfortable with the location of the latter. If your cat seems nervous or anxious whenever using the litter box, consider placing it in another place. Strategically place the litter box near the place where your cat loves to rest, and it should also be a low-traffic area.
Treat separation anxiety and stress
Separation anxiety is when your cat feels lonely and anxious about being all alone at home. Usually, your cat will develop separation anxiety after his owner leaves him for long periods of time. For instance, if you travel for work or vacation for a week, your cat is likely to develop some kind of anxiety.
In most cases, we leave our cats with someone to take care of them. This could actually lead to increased spraying. Remember that even as social as our cats can be, they also experience social anxiety. For this reason, you should encourage the caretaker to bond with your kitty. He/she can be able to do this by engaging your cat to play with them as well as feeding them.
In addition to this, cats that develop stress are also at the risk of spraying. Due to their sensitive nature, it is important to understand that your cat is prone to stress. Some of the things that may lead to a stressed cat include a change in routine, moving to a new residence, remodeling your home as well as a stranger in your home.
You can treat stress in cats by increasing playtime and preventing boredom. Avoid moving from one place to another as well as noisy neighborhoods. You may also leave your TV and music on in order to keep your cat occupied while you work.
Block the view of the outside
Once again, male cats are quite territorial. This means that they get upset whenever he feels that his privacy or yours is intruded on. He will spray to try and protect your home, particularly your windows and door. Therefore, blocking his view of the outside is an effective way to stop boy cat spraying.
For instance, if there is a stray cat or animal in your home and your cat can see it, he may spray. He may do this as a way of trying to communicate with the other cat or play with it. But since he cannot access the outside, he may end up spraying your windows.
If you come home to sprayed windows in your house, there might be an intruder when you are away. It is therefore recommended to leave your curtains down at all times. This way your cat will not be vulnerable at the sight of other animals in the streets or even passersby.
Restrict your cat from accessing the soiled place
Once your boy cat has sprayed somewhere, it is likely that he will do it again. This is especially encouraged by your cat having access to the spot at all times. Even after washing the sprayed spot, it is important to restrict access to the place for a few weeks.
This way, your cat will not be reminded of the surroundings that may encourage spraying. Alternatively, you can make the scene unattractive for your cat. For instance, if your cat is spraying your doormat, consider changing it into a spiky one. This way, your cat will hate walking on it and thus keep him away from the latter.
In addition, cats that spray outdoors can be stopped by the use of cat repellents. Most of these repellents can be easily prepared at home. For instance, a mixture of lemon juice, water, and vinegar will definitely keep your cat off the sprayed outdoor surface.
However, you should be careful not to ruin your plans or lawn with the mixture. You can also use a mixture of eucalyptus oil and water to repel your cat. However, you should avoid using these repellents in the house as they may make your kitty uncomfortable.
All in all, the key to stopping boy cat spraying is by monitoring him to determine why he is doing so. This way, you will be able to approach this problem and solve it effectively. Should your cat show signs of an illness, you should seek medical assistance as soon as possible. Always check on your cat’s emotional status in order to prevent stress and other emotional distress.
What leads to cats spraying? There are several factors we can attribute this behavior to. In most cases, your boy cat will spray to exhibit his sexual behaviors. This is especially if your cat has not been neutered even after becoming of age.
At this point, it is quite clear that spraying should not be confused with inappropriate urination. This will depend on the posture of your cat while peeing and the amount of urine passed. Unlike emptying a full bladder, your spraying cat will only pass a small amount of pee with a strong smell.
That being said, an unneutered boy cat is likely to exhibit his sexual behavior at the age of five months. This means that he will have the urge to look for a mate and how else other than spraying. The smell of the urine will attract and let the female cats about his intentions. I am assuming that you have an indoor cat, which means he can rarely get out to mate.
By neutering the cat, you will be eliminating the hormones driving your cat to the sexual urge. In addition to curbing spraying, neutering also comes with other advantages. For instance, it helps eliminate the hostility that is genetically linked to male cats. Hostility actually leads to spraying in that an unneutered cat will want to protect his boundaries.
The difference between a boy and a girl cat
A boy cat will spray out of his territorial behavior, to keep out other animals. Naturally, spraying is a form of communication among cats. Once your cat sprays, he might be doing it to keep other male cats away while at the same time inviting the female cats during the season.
Your boy cat will spray mostly on the walls or your door whenever he is territorial. Certain things like strangers at your doorstep or other animals might trigger your cat to spray. For instance, if there is a nosy dog or cat in the neighborhood, your cat may feel the need to spray.
A boy cat spraying might also be an indication of a health issue. UTIs are particularly risky for male cats due to their body anatomy. However, once you notice your cat spraying, you should get him to see a vet rule out any medical issues. Some of the health problems that might be associated with spraying include cystitis, crystalluria, bladder stones as well as the usual urinary tract infection.
Your vet will be able to examine and diagnose your cat. If your cat is ill, the vet will definitely recommend the best treatment to go for.
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