How to stop a cat peeing in the house. This Works.

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Your cat peeing in the house can be frustrating. In fact, it has already been established that peeing outside the litter box is a common reason why people surrender their cats to shelter. However, you definitely cannot just give up your kitty just like that.


How to stop a cat from peeing in the house


The first thing you should do upon finding out that your cat is peeing in the house is to determine why. As mentioned earlier in this article (See Below), there is usually something driving your cat to pee. It is up to you to try and determine what your cat is trying to tell you. Once you determine the reason behind gross behavior, you will then be able to eliminate the stimuli

Here is how to stop a cat from peeing in the house:


Wash the soiled items and surfaces


This should always be the first step you should take upon finding cat pee all over. Identify the items that have been targeted and wash them thoroughly. You can be able to remove all the smells by the use of enzymatic cleaners. Alternatively, use a homemade solution containing equal amounts of vinegar and water.

However, if you are washing a soiled part of your carpet, you should be thorough enough to remove the odor. This is because a cat will definitely come back to pee on the previously sprayed surface. For instance, if you are dealing with a cat with litter box issues, he will make that one spot a place to pee.

You should not encourage this and therefore the need to get rid of the pee smell. This will also leave your house smelling a lot better.

You can use citrus-flavored cleaners to discourage your cat from accessing this area. Additionally, use a backlight to identify the stains that you are unable to see with naked eyes.


Get your cat spayed/neutered


We already identified that a cat can possibly be in heat leading to peeing in the house. Once again, it is important to spay your kitty sp if she exhibits the signs of being in heat. Not only will this help you stop a cat from peeing in the house but also avoid having a litter of kitties to bring up.

Well, unless you really want to breed your cat, you should really consider getting her sterilized. However, if she is currently in heat, you should not have her spayed. This is because it might lead to other complications like bleeding too much. The only thing you can do at the moment is to try to calm your kitty. You can get her to the vet for spaying once she is over the season.


Spend quality time with your cat


Well, anxiety, loneliness, and boredom can possibly lead your cat peeing everywhere. As said before, your cat is only trying to communicate with you. You can, however, be able to correct this behavior by allocating some time to spend with your kitty.

You can also get your cat a few toys for when you are away from home. This will not only entertain your kitty but also keep her occupied all day. Additionally, you can leave your TV on a nature channel or even music to soothe your kitty.

The goal here is to make sure that your cat is calm even when you are not around.


Treat any illnesses or stress


As much as it is important for you to make sure that your cat is healthy, we cannot ignore checking on their emotional health. Cats are probably the most sensitive pets there are. This means that they can be triggered by stress and anxiety easily. Usually, your cat will engage in some behaviors like peeing all over the house.

If your cat appears to have stress issues that are leading to this behavior, it is quite important to have her checked up. You can be able to identify some signs of stress and anxiety-like isolation and the tendency to mark. A cat behaviorist can also help identify why your cat is peeing all over.

In the case where your cat is suffering from an illness, your vet is going to examine her. Thereafter, the vet will recommend treatment based on the diagnosis. You should not ignore illnesses related to your cat’s urinary tract or even underlying conditions.


Proper litter box practices 


The major reason your cat may end up peeing in the house is usually poor litter box practices. You should already have several litter boxes in the house for your cat. The location of the litter boxes will definitely determine how your kitty is going to embrace them.

Understand that your cat is sensitive to literally everything, including the slightest movement. Therefore, consider placing the litter boxes in places with little or no activity at all. This will provide your cat with the privacy she needs in order to feel comfortable while using the litter boxes.

In addition to this, it is also important to maintain proper hygiene when it comes to your cat’s litter boxes. You should make sure that the boxes are clean at all times. Scoop the soiled litter every now and then, preferably as soon as your cat uses the latter. However, make it at least twice in a day if you cannot manage the above.

Choose the correct type of litter for your cat. As mentioned earlier, cats have a strong sense of smell. It should feel good on your kitty’s paws least she won’t use the litter box.



So why is my cat peeing in the house?


Usually, when we are talking about a kitty peeing in the house, it is natural that you feel disgusted by the smell of the pee. To make it worse, your cat may develop a habit of peeing just anywhere in the house. This makes it even more difficult to control or even tolerate this behavior. I mean, no one wants to live in a house smelling of cat pee.

To make it worse, it is not always easy to clean up after your cat has peed in the house. This is because he can choose to pee in your bed, couch, and even your carpet. And cat owners will tell you that it is quite difficult to get rid of the stains or the smell. This should not worry you as much as you will be able to correct this behavior using the tips discussed here.


Cat peeing on furniture in the house


I can imagine how frustrated you can get when you come home to a wet couch. However, do not consider punishing the cat at any cost. Instead, look for the reasons why she feels motivated to do so. In most cases, your cat may pee on your furniture especially when it is new. She probably wants to feel like she knows about it.

Understand that having new furniture in the house is a possible reason for your cat to pee on them. Usually, cats want to live in a place whereby she feels secure. This is only assured when she can feel her scent all over your house. To reassure herself that nothing strange is going on, she will peen on the new piece in furniture.

Your cat may also pee on your furniture, for instance, your favorite spot on your couch. This can be triggered by your kitty’s separation anxiety. Usually, when you are traveling for longer than usual, you will want to have someone check on your kitty every now and then.

This exposes your cat to anxiety in that you will be missing in action for some time. Additionally, he is definitely going to have some issues while interacting with the new person.

However, a cat with litter box issues should not be ignored at any cost. This is because it could lead to a chronic habit. Let us look into this the causes of litter box issues among the feline family.


Why won’t my cat use the litter box? And how do I stop a cat from peeing in the house


If you are struggling with this question, you should know that you are not alone. Most cat owners have the same cry as you but we are going to define it here. You need to understand why your cat is avoiding the litter box and I am going to walk you through the possible causes for litter box issues in cats.



Dirty litter box


Just like you are repelled from using a dirty and stinky washroom, the same goes for your cat. She definitely not going to use the litter box if she can feel the stench from it. At this point, it is important that I highlight that cats do have a strong sense of smell. Therefore, you may not notice the odor but she does.

When we are talking about a dirty litter box, we cannot forget to mention that the type of cat litter you use will also affect your cat. There are different types of cat litter to choose from. However, how do you choose the right one?

Given that each cat has different preferences for cat litter, it is obvious that you should watch your cat closely. If she appears to hate the litter, consider changing it into odorless and soft cat litter. Most cats will prefer this type of litter as compared to rough and hard material.


Your cat is stressed


This is another common reason for a cat to avoid the litter box. More often than not, you will find that litter box issues are mainly because of behavioral issues that be resolved. For instance, cats are generally prone to stress. As a matter of fact, your cat will get stressed every now and then based on the situations that she is exposed to.

There are several causes of stress in cats. For instance, a new environment can stress your cat. And in order to communicate her frustrations to you, she is going to pee in the house. I mean, this is usually the reason why she is trying to get your attention.

A change in her daily routine may likely lead to this kind of behavior. For example, if you fix her feeding time two hours later than usual, he is going to notice. understand that cats do not get used to the slightest change in their lives. Instead, they tend to start acting up.


Check for anxiety


Anxiety has also been listed among the causes of cat peeing in the house. It can be induced by various living conditions. Separation anxiety can lead to your cat peeing in the house, and especially your items. This kind of anxiety may develop because you or another member of the family is not around.

When you adopt a kitty, she finds a way to recognize everyone in the family, through different scents. This means that whenever anyone is not around, and especially their favorite person, she is going to feel the gap.

In efforts to look for the connection between the two of you, your cat might spray to mix your scents. This will make him feel secure even in your absence. However, like all behaviors, this can actually be addictive. Your cat may make your bed, or couch, a place to pee, which is not acceptable.

Other forms of anxiety may be a result of strangers in your house. For instance, if you are traveling, you are probably going to have your friend feed and take care of your cat. A helpful as this may sound, it will actually lead to anxiety for your cat unless your cat kind of knows your friend.

In addition to this, the sight of the outside world will also contribute to your cat’s anxiety. A good example of this is when your cat has the view of another cat or stranger passing by your house. Even if the two have nothing to do with your home, your cat may pee out of the anxiety.



To mark territory


We can all agree when I say that cats are jealous and protective of their environments. They tend to own everything around them, and even their owners. For instance, a cat that is attached to you will want to protect and guard you. There are several ways in which your cat may choose to mark what belongs to her, including you and everything in your home.

If your cat feels exposed to feeling like something or someone else is trying to take her place, she may end up peeing to mark boundaries. This happens especially when you have a visitor at your home. Your cat will want to stamp authority in that you belong to him.

When you bring new furniture at home, it is likely your cat will find it strange. She will definitely want to familiarize herself with the latter. Your cat may rub his body on the furniture or actually pee on it. She wants to at least own the piece of furniture in order not to feel safe.


Your cat is in heat


Whenever your cat is in heat, you have to be prepared to deal with pee everywhere in the house. In the wild, cats communicate using their urine that contains specific details. During this season, your cat will need a mate, and thus leave a trail of pee all over. This will usually be aimed at attracting the male, by communicating her needs.

Cats may exhibit this behavior whenever they get to the age of 4-6 months. This is because they just started their reproductive period. Unless you are looking to get a litter of kittens, you should have your kitty sterilized. It is up to you to decide whether you can deal with this kind of behavior in the future.

Usually, your cat will pee on the windows as well as the front door in your house. You might also realize that he has probably tried to escape.


Health issues 


Now that we have identified some of the behavioral issues that contribute to your cat peeing in the house, let us focus on the health factors. A litter-trained kitty peeing all over should never be ignored. Watch out for feline urinary tract infections. These are quite common in female cats that they are in male cats.

If your cat won’t stop peeing the house, you may consider getting her an appointment with the vet. litter box avoidance is rather a common occurrence in sick cats. Not only could this behavior indicated urinary tract problems but also underlying illnesses like diabetes and hyperthyroidism.

Your vet will be able to examine your kitty and determine whether your kitty is sick.




In conclusion, never consider punishing your kitty as the solution to peeing in the house. If you are really looking for how to stop a cat from peeing in the house, you should determine the reason behind this. The most effective way of doing it is by removing the stimulating object/situations causing this behavior.

Additionally, you may also have her checked by your vet for any illnesses. You should not ignore this especially if you have a female kitty. Deterring your cat from accessing previously soiled places will also assist in the process of curbing this behavior.

All in all, the goal is to keep your house free from cat pee smell and at the same time keep a happy kitty. This article should help you achieve all that.

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