Elderly Cat Urinating in House. What You Can Do

Elderly Cat Urinating in House

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Cats urinating or spraying in the house if one of the biggest fears among cat owners. Elderly cats, however, are likely to start urinating in the house based on various factors. They are at risk of developing dementia and even sensory loss.

However, we cannot assume that your elderly cat has any of the two. In fact, other diseases could make an elderly cat go into the house. It does not matter that your dear kitty has been litter trained as inappropriate elimination could happen to any cat.

Below, I am going to outline some possible reasons for this behavior before we proceed to the solution.


Elderly Cat Urinating in House

So why is my elderly cat urinating in the house?


So, you have had a litter trained kitty for years. But somehow, she has started urinating everywhere and it is ruining your stuff. Before you can address such an issue, I would advise you to find out why. Now, below I am going to list down the reasons why an elderly cat might start soiling the house.


Medical problems


While house soiling is more of a behavioral problem, it could also be medical. Well, the truth is that elderly cats are prone to a number of illnesses. These illnesses might cause her to pee on the floor or your carpet.

For instance, elderly female cats are at risk of developing urinary tract infections. One of the most obvious symptoms of this infection is inappropriate peeing. Keep an eye on him and take note of any change of behavior.

Now, there are other illnesses that could cause your senior cat to urinate in the house. These might include arthritis, diabetes and even kidney disease.

Also, these aged cats are at risk of developing dementia. As a result, they forget where the litter box is, and end up urinating in the house. Well, this means that you should take a trip to your local vet for a check-up.


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Inappropriate litter box location


I must mention that elder cats can be quite forgetful. As a result, the litter boxes should be in a place he can access easily. Well, if you recently had the litter boxes in a higher place, you should probably bring it lower.

As with humans, age can be quite disabling for cats. For instance, your elderly cat cannot climb up the stairs as fast as she used to when she was young. And when the litter box is too far for her to get to on time, there is a chance that she will urinate on the floor, just about anywhere.


Anxiety and stress


Elderly Cat Urinating in House


Well, I have mentioned before about how sensitive cats are. And I am not just referring to their excellent sensory capability but also their emotional ability. Cats are easily triggered to anxiety and stress especially when they feel threatened.

Other cats will suffer anxiety as a result of changes in the household. For instance, if you have someone coming over to your house for a few days, your elderly cat might not take it too well. Other changes that may trigger her include changing your furniture, bringing a newborn home and so on.

Well, if you let her get the view of the outside, she could get stressed out on seeing other cats, dogs or people. You should notice any other changes in his behavior that indicate stress and anxiety. For instance, if your cat seems off, or has excessive vocalization, focus on the cause of uneasiness.

Elderly cats might need more attention and care than others. Therefore, be aware that you have a senior pet at hand.


Unclean litter box


Elderly Cat Urinating in House


Cats are extremely hygienic pets. You can tell by how they carefully groom themselves. For this reason, you must pay attention to the cleanliness of the litter box. Before I go on, you must have more than one litter box especially if you own a senior cat.

Now, how often do you clean the litter box? If you fail to keep the box clean, it might start stinking and in the end, discourage your kitty from using the litter box. The purpose of having several litter boxes is to provide an opportunity for your cat to eliminate more often.

Well, speaking of the litter box, you must also concentrate on getting the right one. This especially important if you have a senior cat. It should be easy to climb into and also contain the correct type of litter.


Changing litter


Cats, like most household pets, do not like change. It takes some time for them to accept even the slightest changes in the household. Well, do not change your kitty’s litter. In fact, it is much easier to keep him using the box when you use the same type of litter as you did when she was a kitten.

Now, when it comes to litter, cats can be very choosy. For instance, your cat will not use paper-based litter or scented litter. Luckily for you, you have a list of types of litter you can choose from. However, I insist on using the same type of cat litter for your senior kitty.


Elderly cats also love to mark territories


Elderly cats can also be triggered to mark territories. Well, this time, monitor your cat to ensure that she is not only urinating but spraying urine all around the house. Is there something that makes her uneasy in the house lately? For instance, new persons, or another cat in the household?

It could be that you are dealing with an overly protective kitty. Cats mark their territories using urine when they feel like their privacy is invaded.


Elderly Cat Urinating in House

How do I stop my elderly cat from urinating in the house?


No one likes getting home to a damp sofa, or bed. However, owning a senior pet is a little bit of an exemption. For any of the reasons stated above, if your kitty has started peeing all over the house, you need a solution ASAP.

Well, assuming that your senior kitty has been litter trained before, you might need to keep reminding her about using the latter. Well, brace yourself as you will need to do the following to encourage your elderly cat to use the litter box.


Visit your local vet


Inappropriate elimination is often caused by medical issues. Before you start addressing the behavioral aspect of this problem, I suggest you get to hear what your vet has to say. However, you should be observant of his overall behavior to notice any signs of illness.

Unfortunately, a senior cat might need more visits to the vet than a young cat. As I discussed above, there are multiple illnesses that could discourage your cat from using his litter box. Get your vet to rule out any medical illnesses causing your cat to urinate inappropriately?

Your vet will run a few tests to determine that your cat is healthy.


Avoid changes in the household


Elderly cats are sensitive to any changes in the house. Whether you are bringing a new baby home or you have visitors, it can be rough on your cat. Did you know that changing your furniture or house arrangement can trigger your cat to start urinating in the house?

Well, try to keep everything as is when you have a senior cat. Also, avoid moving her litter box as she might not find it. As I mentioned early, your elderly cat can easily forget about these changes. As a result, she will urinate just about anywhere.


Place the litter box appropriately


As I mentioned earlier, the location of the litter box will either encourage or discourage your cat from using the litter box. It should be placed somewhere easy to reach and quiet enough to provide the privacy that your cat needs.

Well, you should also ensure that you are using the correct type of litter. As discussed above, some cats will not accept certain types of litter. It is safe to go with the type of litter you have always used. However, should you notice that your cat hates the litter for some reason, you can change it. You must observe your cat’s behavior thoroughly.


Block her view of the outside

As I mentioned above, having a view of the outside could possibly lead to cat stress and anxiety. Well, if your cat spends the day peeking through the window, it could be the reason why she is urinating in the house.

Leave the curtains closed and maybe move your furniture. Also, provide entertaining toys to keep her relaxed during the day. The trick is to minimize anxiety as much as you can, even if it means having no visitors.


Do not punish or scold your cat


Yes, I agree that house soiling can be pretty disappointing. At the same time, you should not yell or hit your kitty. Instead, find out why your cat has started peeing and urinating inappropriately and address the issue.

Always rule out medical issues out first before you start employing correction measures.

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