Why Giving Blankets To Feral Cats is a Bad Idea.

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Feral cats are often seen as a nuisance, and many people feel inclined to help them by feeding them or providing shelter. However, giving feral cats blankets is one well-meaning act that can do more harm than good. Here’s why.


Are blankets bad for feral cats?


Feral cats are wild animals, and as such, they have many adaptations that help them survive in the wild.

For example, their fur is much thicker than domestic cats, and they have a higher body fat percentage.

These adaptations help them to regulate their body temperature and stay warm in cold weather.

However, some well-meaning people believe that blankets can help feral cats to stay warm in winter.

In reality, though, blankets can do more harm than good.

  • First of all, they can trap body heat, leading to overheating.


  • Second, they can impede the natural movement of the cat’s coat, which interferes with the insulation provided by the fur.


  • Finally, blankets can provide a hiding place for parasites such as fleas and ticks. For these reasons, it is best to leave feral cats alone in winter and let them rely on their natural defenses against the cold.


Feral Cats can be skittish.


Feral cats are not used to having humans around and are very skittish. If you approach a wild cat and try to put a blanket on it, the cat will likely run away in fear.

In addition, feral cats are not used to being indoors, so they may not know how to use a blanket properly. As a result, they may get tangled in the blanket or ingest part of it, which could lead to health problems.

Another reason why giving blankets to feral cats is the wrong idea is because it can make them more comfortable living outdoors.

If feral cats have access to blankets, they may be less likely to want to come indoors where it is warm and safe.

This means they will continue to breed and produce more kittens that will end up living on the streets.


What is the best bedding for feral cats?


Regarding bedding for feral cats, there are a few things to consider.

First, the bedding should be made of a durable material that can withstand harsh weather and repeated use.

Second, it should be easy to clean and maintain.

And finally, it should be comfortable enough to provide a good night’s sleep.

With these factors in mind, we believe that the best bedding for feral cats is made of synthetic fibers such as polyester or rayon.

These materials are solid and durable yet soft and comfortable. They are also easy to care for – simply machine washing on a gentle cycle and air drying.

In addition, synthetic fiber is an excellent choice for those allergic to natural fabrics such as wool. Overall, synthetic fibers are the best bedding choice for feral cats.

It is durable, easy to care for, and comfortable enough to provide a good night’s sleep.



While you may think you’re helping by giving feral cats blankets, the reality is that this can do more harm than good. So instead, if you want to help feral cats, you can trap them so they can be spayed or neutered and then returned to their colony. This will help reduce the overall population of feral cats and make their lives more accessible in the long run.

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