Are Manx cats born without tails? A Detailed Answer

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Manx cats are a breed of cat that is best known for their lack of tails. But how did they get this way, and were they born without tails? To answer these questions, let’s dive into the fascinating world of Manx cats and their origins.


Are Manx cats born without tails?


Manx cats are an interesting exception to the rule when it comes to felines. They are known for their short and stumpy tail, or often, a lack thereof.

Manx cats can be born with a full tail, a partial tail, or no tail at all – these varying degrees of taillessness can be seen in both purebred and crossbred cats.

Specific genetic mutations within the Manx gene pool cause this trait to arise amongst certain felines.

However, unlike some other breeds of cats bred for having little or no tails, the tailless trait occurs naturally in Manx cats – meaning more attention is required for preventing spinal issues due to their lack of vertebrae and muscles surrounding the spine that generally support a healthy tail.


The History of Manx Cats


Manx cats originated on the Isle of Man, off the coast of Ireland, where they got their name. Legend has it that the Isle was once visited by a white ship with no tail—and it turns out that this ship was Noah’s Ark! As the story goes when Noah opened the ark to let out all the animals, a pair of tailless cats hopped out onto land and created the Manx breed as we know it today.


Are They Really Born Without Tails?


The answer to this question isn’t so simple.

While some Manx cats are indeed born without tails (a condition known as “Manx Syndrome” or “Manxism”), others may have short tails or even full-length tails! This depends on how much genetic material is present in each cat; some will have more than others, affecting their physical appearance.


Tail Lengths in Different Breeds


In addition to Manx cats, there are several other breeds of cats that can also be found with either no tail or a shortened tail.

These include American Bobtails, Japanese Bobtails, Kurilians Bobtails, Munchkins, and Scottish Folds. Each one has its unique look—none of them can compare to the classic taillessness of a Manx cat.




The history behind Manx cats is an exciting mystery—are they born without tails? While some come into this world sans tails due to genetics, others may have short or normal-length tails depending on their makeup.

No matter their tail length, these beautiful felines remain just as fascinating as ever! If you’ve ever considered getting a unique breed of cat for your family, then a Manx cat should be at the top of your list.


FAQs about Manx Cat tails


Q. Are Manx cats born without tails?

A. Some Manx cats are born without tails due to a genetic mutation known as “Manx Syndrome” or “Manxism,” but others may have short or even full-length tails depending on their makeup.


Q. What other breeds of cats have short or no tails?

A. Other than Manx cats, several other breeds can also be found with either no tail or a shortened tail. These include American Bobtails, Japanese Bobtails, Kurilians Bobtails, Munchkins, and Scottish Folds.


Q. Where did Manx cats originate from?

A. Manx cats originated from the Isle of Man, off the coast of Ireland, where they got their name. Legend has it that the Isle was once visited by a white ship with no tail—and it turns out that this ship was Noah’s Ark! As the story went when Noah opened the ark to let out all the animals, a pair of tailless cats hopped out onto land and created the Manx breed as we know it today.


Q. Are there any special considerations for Manx cats due to their lack of tails?

A. Yes, since some Manx cats do not have tails, spinal issues can arise due to their lack of vertebrae and muscles surrounding the spine that generally support a healthy tail. Therefore, more attention is required to prevent such issues in Manx cats.


Q. What are the benefits of having a Manx cat?

A. Having a Manx cat can be very rewarding, as they are loving and loyal companions with unique personalities. They also require less grooming and shedding than other breeds, making them ideal for those who don’t have much time to devote to their pet. Plus, how can you resist that adorable tailless look?


Q. Are Manx cats an expensive breed?

A. Generally speaking, Manx cats are not overly expensive compared to other pedigree breeds. Prices will vary depending on the breeder, but you should expect to pay anywhere from $200 to $1,000 for a purebred Manx kitten.

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