Can Cats Help With Period Cramps? The Surprising Truth

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It’s no secret that cats are amazing creatures. They’re fluffy, lovable, and have a knack for making us laugh. But did you know that they can also help with period cramps? Believe it or not, there is scientific evidence to support this claim! In this blog post, we will explore the surprising truth about cats and period cramps. We’ll also discuss how you can use your feline friend to help relieve pain during your menstrual cycle. So read on to learn more.




For anyone who has ever suffered from cramps, the search for relief is always ongoing. There are many different treatments out there, but one that you may not have considered is using a cat.

While it may sound odd at first, there is actually some scientific evidence to support the idea that cats can help to ease period cramps. One study found that people who slept with a cat in their room experienced less pain and fewer symptoms than those who didn’t.

Another study found that the mere act of petting a cat can help to reduce stress levels and improve mood. So if you’re looking for a natural way to ease your cramps, consider snuggling up with your feline friend.


The science behind period cramps and how cats can help


For many women, period cramps are an unfortunate reality of life. These painful muscle spasms are caused by the release of prostaglandins, hormones that cause the uterus to contract.

The level of prostaglandins in the body increases just before menstruation, and as a result, many women experience cramping and pain in the days leading up to their period.

While over-the-counter pain relievers can help to alleviate some of the discomforts, they don’t always provide complete relief. However, there is another option that may offer some relief: cats. Studies have shown that petting a cat can help to reduce levels of stress and anxiety, both of which can contribute to period cramps.

In addition, the warmth and pressure of a cat’s body can help to relax tense muscles and ease the pain. So if you’re struggling with period cramps, consider reaching for your feline friend instead of your medication cabinet.


How to introduce your cat to your menstrual cycle


Many women love their cats and want them to be a part of every aspect of their lives – even their menstrual cycles! However, introducing your cat to your menstrual cycle can be a bit of a challenge. Here are a few tips to make the process go smoothly:


  • First, it’s important to talk to your cat about what you’re going through. Explain that you’ll be bleeding for a few days each month and that there’s nothing to be concerned about. Let them sniff your pads or tampons if they’re curious, and give them lots of cuddles and reassurance.


  • Next, it’s time to introduce them to the physical changes that come with your period. This can be done by showing them how you’re changing your hygiene products, or by letting them see you take your temperature or check your cervical mucus. Again, it’s important to remain calm and relaxed throughout – let them know that there’s nothing to worry about.


  • Finally, remember that cats are creatures of habit. If you usually allow them to sleep on your bed, continue to do so during your period. If they like to curl up on your lap, let them – just be sure to put a towel down first! By keeping things as normal as possible, you’ll help your cat adjust to the changes in your body with ease.


The benefits of having a cat during your period


Many women find that their moods and energy levels change during their menstrual cycle. Some may feel irritable and fatigued, while others may experience bloating and cramps. For many women, these symptoms can be worsened by stress.

Luckily, there is one furry friend who may be able to help. Research has shown that spending time with a cat can help to reduce stress levels and improve mood. In addition, stroking a cat has been shown to lower blood pressure and heart rate.

So if you’re feeling stressed or down during your period, consider spending some time with your feline friend. You may just find that it makes all the difference.


Tips for dealing with period cramps when you have a cat


For anyone who suffers from regular period cramps, the pain can be debilitating. Unfortunately, it can often be made worse by the presence of a feline friend. Cats are attracted to the warmth and scent of menstrual blood, and they may start to express their affection by rubbing up against you or even biting or clawing at your abdomen.

While it may be tempting to push your cat away, this can actually make the situation worse. Instead, try these tips for dealing with period cramps when you have a cat.

First, provide your cat with a safe space where they can’t bother you, such as a separate room or a crate.

You should also invest in a body pillow or other type of cushion that you can put between your legs when you’re lying down, which will help to keep your cat from getting too close.

Finally, consider using a heating pad or taking a hot bath to relax your muscles and ease the pain. With a little planning and patience, you can still enjoy the companionship of your cat even when you’re dealing with period cramps.


FAQs about cats and periods


Q: Do all cats react to periods?

A: No, not all cats react to periods. However, many cats are attracted to the scent of menstrual blood, which can cause them to become more affectionate than usual.


Q: Should I keep my cat away from me during my period?

A: It’s not necessary to keep your cat away from you during your period, but it may be helpful to provide them with a separate space where they can’t bother you. You should also invest in a body pillow or other type of cushion that you can put between your legs when you’re lying down, which will help to keep your cat from getting too close.


Q: Is it harmful to my cat if they eat my used pads or tampons?

A: No, it is not harmful to your cat if they eat your used pads or tampons. However, you should discourage them from doing so as it can be unhygienic.


Q: Can cats help relieve period cramps?

A: Some women find that spending time with a cat can help to reduce stress levels and improve mood. In addition, stroking a cat has been shown to lower blood pressure and heart rate. So if you’re feeling stressed or down during your period, consider spending some time with your feline friend. You may just find that it makes all the difference.

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