Can Norwegian Forest Cats Have Short Hair? Exploring the Possibility

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Norwegian Forest Cats are known for their long, thick fur that protects them from the harsh Scandinavian winters.

However, some people may wonder if these cats can have short hair.

The answer to this question is no; Norwegian Forest Cats cannot have short hair.

The breed standard for Norwegian Forest Cats specifies that their coat should be long and thick, with a woolly undercoat and a water-repellent topcoat.


This coat is essential for the cat’s survival in its native environment, where it must withstand cold temperatures and wet conditions.

While some cats may have shorter hair in certain areas, such as their face or belly, this is not considered desirable in the breed and is not accepted in cat shows.

Potential Norwegian Forest Cat owners must understand that this breed requires regular grooming to maintain their coat’s health and prevent matting.

While their long hair may seem daunting, it’s essential to the breed’s unique characteristics and should not be altered through breeding or grooming.


Norwegian Forest Cats: An Overview


Norwegian Forest Cats, also known as Wegies, are a breed of domestic cat that originated in Norway. They are known for their long, thick, and fluffy coats, which help them survive in Norway’s cold and harsh winters.

Wegies are a large and muscular breed, with males typically weighing between 12-16 pounds and females weighing between 8-12 pounds.

They have a triangular-shaped head, almond-shaped eyes, and tufted ears. Their coats come in various colors: white, black, blue, red, cream, and silver.

In addition to their striking appearance, Wegies are known for their friendly and outgoing personalities.

They are intelligent, playful, and affectionate, and they enjoy interacting with their humans. They are also known for their hunting skills, often demonstrated by chasing after toys or small animals.

While Wegies are typically known for their long, thick coats, they can have short hair. However, this is not common and is considered a fault in the breed standard.

Wegies with short hair may not have the same insulation and protection from the cold as their long-haired counterparts.

Overall, Norwegian Forest Cats are a unique and beloved breed, known for their beautiful coats and friendly personalities.


Genetics of Norwegian Forest Cats’ Fur


The gene responsible for the Norwegian Forest Cat’s long hair is the L gene, which is dominant. This means that if a cat inherits even one copy of the L gene, it will have long hair

. However, if a cat inherits two copies of the recessive l gene, it will have short hair. Therefore, Norwegian Forest Cats can have short hair if both parents carry the l gene and pass it on to their offspring.

It is important to note that while short-haired Norwegian Forest Cats do exist, they are not recognized as a separate breed by major cat registries such as The International Cat Association (TICA) or the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA).

This is because the breed standard for Norwegian Forest Cats requires long, thick fur and short-haired cats do not meet this standard.

In conclusion, while Norwegian Forest Cats can have short hair due to genetics, it is not desirable for the breed standard. Norwegian Forest Cats are best known for their beautiful long fur, a breed hallmark.


Can Norwegian Forest Cats Have Short Hair?


Norwegian Forest Cats are known for their long, thick, and fluffy coats, which help them to survive in cold climates. However, some people may prefer a shorter-haired cat for various reasons, such as less shedding or easier grooming.

While Norwegian Forest Cats can have shorter hair, it is not typical of the breed. The gene responsible for long hair is dominant in Norwegian Forest Cats, which means that most offspring from two Norwegian Forest Cats will have long hair.

If a Norwegian Forest Cat is bred with a shorthair cat, there is a chance that some of the offspring will have shorter hair. However, these cats will not have the same characteristics as a purebred Norwegian Forest Cat, and their appearance and temperament may differ significantly.

It is important to note that if a Norwegian Forest Cat has shorter hair, it may not be as well-suited to cold climates as its long-haired counterparts. Short-haired cats are more susceptible to the cold and may require additional warmth and protection during winter.

In summary, while Norwegian Forest Cats can have shorter hair, it is not typical of the breed. If someone is looking for a shorter-haired cat, they may want to consider a different breed or a mixed breed cat instead of a purebred Norwegian Forest Cat.


Factors Influencing Fur Length


Norwegian Forest Cats are known for their long, thick, and fluffy fur that helps them to survive in cold climates. However, some Norwegian Forest Cats may have short hair due to various factors influencing their fur length.

The following are some factors that can influence the fur length of Norwegian Forest Cats:

  • Genetics: The length of a cat’s fur is determined by its genes. Norwegian Forest Cats with long-haired parents are more likely to have long hair, while those with short-haired parents are likelier to have short hair. However, it’s important to note that genetics is not the only factor determining fur length.
  • Age: Norwegian Forest Cats’ fur length may change as they age. Kittens may have shorter hair than adult cats, and some cats may develop longer hair as they mature.
  • Health: The health of a Norwegian Forest Cat can also affect its fur length. Malnourished cats or with underlying health issues may have shorter, thinner, or patchy fur.
  • Grooming: Regular grooming can help maintain the length and quality of a Norwegian Forest Cat’s fur. Cats not groomed regularly may develop mats or tangles, leading to hair loss or a shorter appearance.

In conclusion, while Norwegian Forest Cats are known for their long hair, various factors can influence their fur length. Understanding these factors is essential to ensure your cat’s fur remains healthy and beautiful.


Short Hair vs Long Hair: Health Implications


Norwegian Forest Cats are known for their long, thick fur that helps them survive in cold climates. However, some may wonder if these cats can have short hair instead. While uncommon, some Norwegian Forest Cats can have short hair due to a genetic mutation.

Regarding health implications, there are a few things to consider. Here are some key points:

  • Temperature regulation: Norwegian Forest Cats with long hair have an advantage in temperature regulation. Their thick fur helps keep them warm in cold weather and cool in warm weather. Cats with short hair may struggle to regulate their body temperature in extreme temperatures.
  • Grooming needs: Norwegian Forest Cats with long hair require more grooming than those with short hair. Their fur can become matted and tangled if not brushed regularly. Cats with short hair require less grooming but still benefit from occasional brushing to remove loose hair and prevent hairballs.
  • Allergies: Some people may be allergic to cat hair and dander. Norwegian Forest Cats with short hair may produce less dander than those with long hair, which could make them a better choice for people with allergies.

Overall, there are pros and cons to both short hair and long hair in Norwegian Forest Cats. It’s essential to consider your lifestyle and preferences when choosing a cat with a specific type of fur.


Care Tips for Short-Haired Norwegian Forest Cats


Short-haired Norwegian Forest Cats are a low-maintenance breed that requires minimal grooming. However, there are still a few care tips to remember to ensure your cat remains healthy and happy.


While short-haired Norwegian Forest Cats do not require daily brushing like their long-haired counterparts, brushing them once a week is still recommended. This will help remove any loose hair and prevent matting. Use a soft-bristled brush to avoid irritating their skin.


Short-haired Norwegian Forest Cats do not require frequent baths, as their fur naturally repels dirt and water. However, a bath may be necessary if your cat gets into something particularly dirty or smelly. Use a mild cat shampoo and rinse thoroughly to avoid skin irritation.

Nail Trimming

Regular nail trimming, including short-haired Norwegian Forest Cats, is essential for all cats. Use cat-specific nail clippers and trim the tips of their nails every two to three weeks. Be careful not to cut the quick, the pink part of the nail that contains blood vessels and nerves.

Dental Care

Good oral hygiene is essential for all cats, regardless of their fur length. Brush your cat’s teeth regularly with a cat-specific toothbrush and toothpaste. You can also offer dental treats or toys to help keep their teeth clean.


A balanced diet is essential for your short-haired Norwegian Forest Cat’s overall health. Choose a high-quality cat food that meets their nutritional needs and avoid overfeeding to prevent obesity.

Following these care tips ensures that your short-haired Norwegian Forest Cat remains healthy and happy for years.




In conclusion, Norwegian Forest Cats can have short hair due to genetic mutations. However, this is not considered a breed standard, and cat breed associations do not recognize short-haired Norwegian Forest Cats.

It is important to note that even if a Norwegian Forest Cat has short hair, it still possesses the same traits and characteristics as the long-haired variety. These cats are known for their intelligence, playfulness, and affectionate nature, regardless of their coat length.

While breed associations may not recognize short-haired Norwegian Forest Cats, they can still make excellent pets for those who appreciate the breed’s unique personality. It is essential to research and find a reputable breeder if looking for a specific type of Norwegian Forest Cat, whether long or short-haired.

Overall, choosing a short-haired Norwegian Forest Cat is personal and should be based on individual preferences and lifestyle.

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