Can Siberian Cats be Left Alone?

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If you happen to be the proud owner of a Siberian cat, you will already know that they are affectionate animals and relatively sociable. While they won’t attach themselves to you like a magnet, a Siberian is far more family-friendly than a regular, domestic house cat. 


So taking off on a long vacation and leaving your Siberian alone isn’t exactly healthy for the cat and you should probably avoid doing so if possible. Siberians do grow a strong attachment to their owners and grow used to you being around. 


Suffice it to say, it would be quite a shock if you were to disappear for more than a day or two. Siberians may not be on the same level as Ragdolls and Ragamuffins in terms of sociability, they are still highly social cats and prefer the company of other animals and their family members. 


How Long Can You Leave a Siberian Alone For?


Your Siberian will be fine for 24 hours. After that, who is to say? Some cats will suffer from separation anxiety soon after. Others will be fine for another day or two. However, instead of running the risk, you should always make arrangements if you are going to be away for longer than 24 hours. 


It doesn’t take much to satisfy your Siberian and keep it from suffering any sort of separation anxiety. 


  • Find a close friend or family member to pet sit
  • Bring your Siberian to a friend or family member’s home
  • Add another pet to the family
  • Cat Camp


There are pet sitters available for hires, such as Rover or Pet Sitting. Those who sign on for either organization as pet sitters are typically vetted and it’s a very similar setup to organizations such as DoorDash or Uber. 


If you’re not comfortable with a stranger watching your Siberian, try and get a family member or a close friend to do the honors, preferably someone that your Siberian knows or who has at least met. 


Worst case scenario, (or best case, depending on your particular situation) you can send your Siberian to a friend or family member. If they can’t come to your cat, perhaps your Siberian can go to them.


You can always consider adding another pet to the family as well if you haven’t already done so. If you have, then part of the problem is already solved before you ever leave and it would be easier to just have someone stop in from time to time. 


As a last resort, you can take your Siberian to a cat camp, or a cattery, which is essentially the same thing as boarding your dog. They will have a few cat toys, food, water, companionship with someone who will visit them each day, and little else. 


It will be strange and probably a bit frightening for your Siberian. Although they are sociable and will get along with just anybody, a cattery is the coldest option you could offer and wouldn’t be much appreciated.


Should You Get Another Siberian Cat?


Another Siberian cat would be a perfect companion cat for your current one. However, it wouldn’t be a good idea if you are already gone a lot. If leaving is a temporary and non-repetitive thing, then it should work out great for both of them. 


It doesn’t have to be another Siberian. It depends on whether or not you want another cat that will be double the affection and double the occasional clinginess that Siberians tend to exhibit from time to time. 


You will have to make sure that you find a cat that is very compatible with your own. Here are some of the breeds that you should stay away from:


  • Singapura
  • Bombay
  • Pixie Bob
  • Cymric


The above four cats and any other similar cats can be fiercely territorial and are often angry and violent with anything that is not their owner. They are perfectly fine with their family members but don’t necessarily get along too well with other cats and strangers. 


Most domestic shorthairs will be perfectly suitable for your Siberian, without the neediness that is sometimes a part of the Siberian personality. You will find that not having to give double the attention is more pleasant than you thought. 


Signs That Your Siberian Cat is Lonely


There are several signs of loneliness and separation anxiety to look for and you won’t have to look hard. Your Siberian will be pretty obvious about its personality change, mostly to let you know that something is wrong and it needs to be fixed.


  • Sudden restlessness with destructive behavior
  • Lack of eating or occasional overeating
  • Loss of hair
  • Lethargy


All of the above will be immediately noticeable behaviors, especially if you come home for the first time to see what your lonely Siberian has left you. They can get quite destructive if they set their mind on it. 


Siberians are large cats as well, and a sudden loss of appetite will be noticeable pretty quickly, as well as a loss of weight. Hair loss is another side effect of loneliness and the best thing that you can do is either engage with your Siberian more or adopt it out to someone who has far more time.


Final Thoughts


Siberians are like most cats in that they can be left alone for 24 hours, however, anything longer than that becomes suspect pretty quickly. Siberians are loyal, affectionate, and occasionally clingy, and you should only own a Siberian if you can give it plenty of time and attention daily. 


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