What You Need to Know About How Cats Open Doors

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We’ve all seen it before—seemingly out of thin air, our cats can open doors with their paws. It can be unsettling initially, but how cats can do this is quite fascinating. So let’s look at why cats can open doors and how you can prevent them from doing so in your home.


How do cats open doors?


Cats are amazing animals and capable of quite a few incredible talents.

One of their surprising skills is the ability to figure out how door handles work, seemingly without much effort.

Seeing cats easily open doors using their natural acrobatic agility is fantastic; it highlights their intelligence.

This can be entertaining and cause concern if you are trying to protect a space they shouldn’t be in. Accordingly, if you have an indoor cat that can open doors, make sure they have access to appropriate places when the door is opened and ensure secure closure when the door is not in use.


Understanding Your Cat’s Anatomy


Cats rely on their whiskers to help them navigate their environment and feel the texture of objects near them. But these tiny hairs aren’t just for navigation—they also serve as sensors that help cats understand how far away something is and how hard they must push against it.

This is why cats can use their paws to push doors open if they have enough room between the door handle and the door frame.


The Power of Leverage


Cats have the instinct to explore by pushing things around with their paws, often using leverage to gain access.

Cats use this technique when opening doors because they understand that by pushing down on one part of the door handle and then pulling up on another part, they can create enough leverage to open the door.

This is why you must keep your doors tightly closed when you don’t want your cat exploring an area in your home; otherwise, they may be able to open it.


Preventing Your Cat from Opening Doors


To prevent your cat from opening doors, ensure there is not enough space between the door handle and the door frame to fit its paw through and apply pressure.

You could also try installing childproof locks or other blocking devices on the door handles of rooms you don’t want your cat accessing without supervision.

Additionally, training your cat with positive reinforcement techniques can help them learn which areas of your home should remain off-limits until permitted by you or another family member.

Finally, providing plenty of toys, scratching posts, and other activities throughout your home will give them something else to focus on instead of trying to explore where they shouldn’t be.


Why do cats open doors?


Cats are curious creatures, and it is not unusual for them to become fascinated with doors. After all, an entry can provide access to exciting scents, sights, and sounds that can be irresistible for cats.

What is especially intriguing about door-opening behavior in cats is that they often appear to understand the operations of locks and handles – something that not every creature has figured out.

Understanding why your cat seems bent on figuring out how different sorts of doors work may provide answers as to why your pet behaves astoundingly




Amazingly, cats have good motor skills that enable them to open doors despite not having opposable thumbs like humans. While it may seem like a magical feat at first glance, understanding why cats can do this helps us better appreciate our feline friends’ impressive abilities and helps us take steps toward preventing unwanted exploration in our homes.

If you want more information about how cats open doors or need advice about preventing unwanted exploration in your home, contact a local veterinarian for assistance today. They’ll be able to provide further insight into why cats can open doors and provide tips on keeping curious kitties away from places they shouldn’t go.

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