Do Feral Cats Raise Their Tails? The Surprising Answer

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It’s a question that has puzzled cat owners for years – do feral cats raise their tails? The answer is yes, they do – but there’s more to it than that. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at why feral cats raise their tails and what it means for them. We’ll also discuss how you can tell the difference between a feral cat and a domesticated one.

Do Feral Cats Raise Their Tails


Feral cats are domestic cats that have been abandoned or have never had any contact with humans. As a result, they tend to be wary of people and can be quite aggressive.

Their tails usually remain down, except when they are hissing or fighting. When a feral cat does lift its tail, it is usually a sign of aggression.

The cat is essentially saying, “I’m ready to fight.” So, if you see a feral cat with its tail up, it’s best to give it a wide berth.


Do feral cats always raise their tails when they’re feeling threatened or scared?


When a feral cat encounters a perceived threat, it may raise its tail in what is known as an “alarm signal.” This is a way of communicating to other cats in the area that there is danger present.

The elevated tail also makes the cat appear larger and more intimidating to its opponent. In some cases, a feral cat may also hiss or growl when it feels threatened.

However, not all feral cats will react in the same way to a perceived threat. Some may try to flee the scene, while others may stand their ground and fight.

Ultimately, each cat will react according to its own personality and level of fear.


Why do feral cats sometimes raise their tails even when they’re not feeling threatened or scared?


Feral cats are often misunderstood. People often see them as dirty, dangerous, and wild.

However, feral cats are simply cats who have been born in the wild and have never had any contact with humans. While they may be wary of people, they are not necessarily dangerous. In fact, many feral cats form close bonds with one another and live in colonies.

One of the ways that feral cats communicate with each other is through their tails. When a cat raises its tail, it is usually a sign of relaxation and contentment.

However, feral cats will also sometimes raise their tails when they are feeling threatened or scared.

This is thought to be a way of making themselves look larger and more intimidating to potential predators. So, next time you see a feral cat raising its tail, don’t be alarmed. It’s just their way of saying hello.


What other differences in body language are there between feral cats and domesticated cats


In addition to facial expressions, feral and domestic cats also communicate through body language.

For example, a feral cat who is feeling threatened may crouch down low to the ground with its ears flattened against its head.

This is a defensive posture that tells other cats that the cat is ready to fight. By contrast, a domestic cat who is feeling threatened is more likely to hide or run away.

Domestic cats also tend to be more relaxed in their posture than feral cats.

They may sprawl out on the ground or lie on their backs with their paws in the air, which indicates that they feel safe and comfortable.

These are just a few of the ways that body language can differ between feral and domestic cats.


What can you do if you see a feral cat in your neighborhood?


If you see a feral cat in your neighborhood, the best thing you can do is to call your local animal control agency. Feral cats are not used to humans and may be aggressive if approached.

In addition, feral cats may be carriers of diseases that can be harmful to humans, such as rabies. Animal control officers are trained to safely capture and relocate feral cats, minimizing the risk to both the cats and the community.

If you have a compassionate heart and are willing to care for a feral cat, you might also consider Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR). This involves trapping the cat, taking it to be spayed or neutered, and then releasing it back into its original habitat.

TNR helps to reduce the overall population of feral cats and also makes them less likely to spray urine or fight with other cats.

If you are interested in TNR, your local animal shelter or humane society can provide more information.


Are there any benefits to having feral cats living in your neighborhood?


Feral cats are often seen as a nuisance, and they are certainly not welcome in most households. However, there are actually a number of benefits to having feral cats living in your neighborhood. For one thing, feral cats help to control the rodent population.

This is because rodents are a primary food source for feral cats, and they will work hard to keep the population in check. Additionally, feral cats can help to reduce the spread of disease. This is because they are typically vaccinated against common diseases, such as rabies.

As a result, they can help to create a barrier between the wild animal population and humans.

Finally, feral cats can provide companionship for people who live alone. Although they may not be cuddly or affectionate, simply knowing that there is another living creature nearby can be comforting for some people. In short, there are a number of benefits to having feral cats living in your neighborhood.




In conclusion, feral cats do raise their tails when they are frightened or when they are trying to intimidate other animals. This behavior is instinctive and is passed down from generation to generation.

Feral cats who have been raised in captivity may not exhibit this behavior as much as those who have never been around humans.

However, even captive-raised feral cats will still instinctively raise their tails when they feel threatened. Overall, the tail-raising behavior of feral cats is an important part of their survival instincts.

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