How much are hypoallergenic cats? A Detailed Answer

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Do you have allergies, or does someone in your family have allergies? If so, you may wonder if there are any hypoallergenic cats. In this blog post, we will explore the topic of hypoallergenic cats. We will discuss which five breeds of cats are hypoallergenic and the average cost of purchasing one of these beautiful cats.


Five Breeds of Hypoallergenic Cats


1. Siberian

The Siberian is a large, thick-coated breed known for being hypoallergenic. The breed originated in Russia and was brought to the United States in the 1990s. Siberians are known for their gentle dispositions and love of people. They typically weigh between 10 and 20 pounds and come in various colors, including black, blue, brown, cream, and white.


The average cost to buy a Siberian Cat


When considering adding a Siberian Cat to your family, one of the first things you’ll want to consider is the cost. The average price of a Siberian Cat is between $1,000 and $1,500.

However, prices can range from as low as $600 to as high as $2,000. This wide range in price is due to several factors, including the breeder’s reputation, the cat’s markings, personality, and whether the cat is being sold as a pet or for show purposes.

If you’re looking for a top-quality Siberian Cat, be prepared to pay at the higher end of the price range. However, it’s important to remember that the cat’s quality is more important than the price tag.

Do your research to find a reputable breeder who can provide you with a healthy and well-socialized cat.


2. Russian Blue


The Russian Blue is a medium-sized breed known for its beautiful blue coat. The breed originated in Russia and was brought to the United States in the late 1800s. Russian Blues are known for their shy dispositions and love of people. They typically weigh between 8 and 12 pounds and come in various colors, including black, blue, brown, cream, and white.


The average cost to buy a Russian Blue Cat


The Russian Blue is a famous cat breed for its beautiful blue fur and calm disposition. If you’re considering adding one of these lovely animals to your home, you may wonder about the average cost of buying a Russian Blue cat.

Generally speaking, Russian Blue cats are not cheap. Prices can range from $500 to $1,500, depending on the breeder and the kitten’s age, health, and lineage.

However, it’s important to remember that the purchase price is only a small part of the overall cost of owning a Russian Blue. These cats require regular vet care, including yearly vaccinations and routine check-ups.

They also need high-quality food and litter, as well as regular grooming. When all these costs are considered, the total cost of ownership can easily reach several thousand dollars per year.

Despite the high upfront cost, though, many people find that the joys of owning a Russian Blue far outweigh the financial considerations.

If you’re prepared to provide a loving home for one of these unique animals, you may find that the expense is well worth it.


3. Oriental Shorthair


The Oriental Shorthair is small to a medium-sized breed known for its wide variety of coat colors and patterns. The breed originated in Asia and was brought to the United States in the 1970s. Orientals are known for their active dispositions and love of people.

They typically weigh between 4 and 10 pounds and come in various colors, including black, blue, brown, cream, white, red, orange, yellow, green, and blue-eyed white.


The average cost to buy an Oriental Shorthair Cat


Oriental Shorthair Cats are one of the most popular breeds of cats due to their unique personalities and wide range of coat colors and patterns.

If you’re thinking of getting an Oriental Shorthair Cat, you’re probably wondering how much they cost. The average price for an Oriental Shorthair Cat is $500-$700. However, prices can vary depending on the breeder, the cat’s age, and whether or not the cat has been spayed or neutered.

You can also expect to pay more for a cat with rarer coloration or markings. So whether you’re looking for a new friend or a vibrant addition to your home, an Oriental Shorthair Cat will bring you joy for years to come.


4. Siamese


The Siamese is a medium-sized breed best known for its striking blue eyes and pointed coat pattern. The breed originated in Thailand (formerly Siam) and was brought to the United States in the late 1800s.

Siamese is known for their active dispositions and love of people. They typically weigh between 8 and 12 pounds and come in various colors, including black, blue, chocolate, lilac, seal, tortie, and lynx points.


The average cost to buy a Siamese Cat


Siamese cats are one of the most popular cat breeds in the world, and it’s not hard to see why. These elegant creatures have beautiful blue eyes and sleek, slender builds.

They are also intelligent and playful, making them excellent companions. If you’re thinking of adding a Siamese cat to your family, you may wonder how much they cost.

You can expect to pay between $500 and $1,000 for a Siamese kitten. However, prices may vary depending on the kitten’s age, appearance, and lineage. For example, show-quality Siamese cats can cost significantly more than pet-quality cats.

Ultimately, the best way to find a reasonably priced Siamese cat is to search for reputable breeders in your area.


5. Balinese


The Balinese is a long-haired version of the Siamese best known for its beautiful coat. The breed originated on the Indonesian island of Bali and was brought to the United States in the 1950s. Balinese are known for their active dispositions and love of people.

They typically weigh between 8 and 12 pounds and come in various colors, including black and silver. The average cost to buy a Balinese Cat

Balinese cats are a beautiful breed of cat known as the Long-Haired Siamese. They are very playful and active and known for their affectionate nature. Balinese cats typically have blue eyes, and they come in a variety of colors, including seal point, blue point, and lilac point.


The average cost to buy a Balinese Cat


The average cost to purchase a Balinese cat is between $600 and $1200. However, prices can vary depending on the breeder and the specific features of the cat. For example, show quality Balinese cats with distinctive markings may cost significantly more.

When purchasing a Balinese cat, working with a reputable breeder who can provide health clearances for the kitten’s parents is essential. This will help ensure that you get a healthy cat that will bring you years of joy.




There are several breeds of hypoallergenic cats, As listed above. These cats produce less of the protein that is responsible for triggering allergies in sensitive people. However, it is essential to note that no cat is completely allergy-free. Some people may still react to a hypoallergenic cat, although the symptoms are usually milder. In addition, hypoallergenic cats can be more expensive than other breeds due to the time and effort required to produce them. However, many people find that the extra cost is worth it for the allergy relief they provide.

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