Most cat owners have had to deal with inappropriate elimination as a result of several factors. However, those who have had to deal l with spraying can attest that it is not an easy task. First of all, you will come home from wherever only to smell the pungent urine! Grossed out yet? Well, it gets more embarrassing when you bring your friends over.
Fortunately, there are several ways that you can be able to control and stop cats from spraying inside. It is important that you understand your cat’s behavior in order to be able to curb spraying. In this article, we are going to look at some of the homemade remedies to stop cat spraying inside.
Homemade remedies to top cat from spraying
The first question you should ask yourself once your cat starts spraying is the likely cause of the behavior. Luckily for you, scientists and cat behaviorists have spent so much time studying feline behavior. Therefore, we can be able to understand why our cats are engaging in spraying as well as how to stop them.
Some cats will spray out of loneliness and boredom. It is evident that cats actually love our company. This is why he is going to curl up on your thigh even when you are working. When you are away from home, your cat feels the gap left between you two. To make it worse, if your cat does not have any form of entertainment in the house, he is bound to get bored. This will definitely prompt your cat to spray the walls or even your items.
If you have a male kitty that has not been neutered, there is a chance you will have to deal with spraying, Kittens from the age of 5 months are sexually mature and ready to mate and reproduce. For this reason, your cute kitty is going to want to attract a mate, since he cannot roam around. The only way he knows how to do this is by spraying the door or windows.
This can be explained by the genetic nature of the felines. Whenever your cat needs to communicate, he is most likely going to do so by spraying. It is up to you to figure out what he is trying to tell you.
In other cases, your cat might be suffering from an illness. Therefore, for the cats that are spraying for the first time, you may consider seeking medical attention for your cat. You should also check out for symptoms of an illness like avoidance of the litter box, painful and frequent urination. In this case, you will have to get him checked by a vet as well as treated.
However, you cannot always rush to the vet’s office each time he sprays. This will cost you quite a handful of money.
Homemade remedies you can use to stop cats from spraying inside.
Vinegar and water
Vinegar, like many cat parents know, is an effective cat repellent. In fact, cats detest the smell of the latter and will not go anywhere close to the smell. In addition, vinegar is also a cleaning agent. Once you find your cat spraying, you should wash the soiled surface with vinegar and water. To apply this method, mix vinegar and water in equal amounts and use it to clean the surface.
This will help keep your cat away from the soiled places. And by doing so, your cat will not be reminded of the incidence every now and then which may prompt him to spray once again.
You may also consider sparing some of this solution for later use. Spray the deterrent on the soiled place for the next few days to keep him away completely.
In the case where your cat has sprayed on the carpet or couch, you should clean the place thoroughly, preferably using an enzymatic cleaner. This will keep the smell out of your house and also your cat will not repeat the habit.
Get back to the usual routine
A routine is a possible reason for your cat to start spraying. For instance, if you change your cat’s usual food or even the location of the litter box, your cat may get all stressed. As a result, he might be spraying unnecessarily. If you recently changed something in your cat’s usual routine and now he is spraying, you should consider getting back to what it used to be. This includes his feeding time, playtime, and also his litter type.
Consider spending a little more time with your cat if you have recently moved to a new residence. This way, you will keep reassuring him of security. A cat that is comfortable at its home will rarely develop behavioral coping mechanisms like spraying.
Provide entertainment for your cat
Once you leave the house, it is possible that you leave the cat or your cats all alone in the house. Unlike in the wild where cats would interact with their surroundings, domestication has denied them that. Therefore, it is important to think about your cat’s entertainment to ease boredom.
Examples of the type of entertainment for cats may include leaving your TV on, particularly nature or sports channels. This will keep your cat engaged for the better part of the day. In addition, soft music is also helpful, especially in stressed cats.
Increase playtime
If you have been working for longer hours than issues, your cat may feel ignored despite feeding him. He might seem withdrawn and even spray as a way to communicate his feelings to you. If your cat has sprayed your personal items, you probably pay attention to him. Try to create extra time to play and cuddle him. This way, he will definitely feel your presence and in turn, stop spraying. This will also allow more bonding between the two of you for harmonious cohabitating.
Make the crime scene undesirable
Your cat sprays a specific place over and over again because he likes it. For instance, if your cat won’t stop spraying your carpet, maybe it is because it is soft for him. In order to keep him from spraying, it is important to make the scene uncomfortable and unattractive for your cat. You can be able to do this by the use of aluminum foil. Spread the foil to cover the soiled surface as well as where your cat stands as he sprays.
Because aluminum foil is really uncomfortable for your cat, he is going to refrain from going back to the scene.
Restrict access to soiled places
We have already identified that keeping your cat away from the previously sprayed area is an effective way to stop cats from spraying inside. Thereby, by restricting them from accessing the place he previously sprayed, you will be preventing the habit.
However, it is important to concentrate on your cat’s behavior rather than simply closing the doors. If you keep him from the area and still not solve the underlying cause of spraying, then he is definitely going to get a new favorite place. It is therefore important to concentrate on the real cause of this problem before applying any rectification measures.
Provide adequate resources
Providing enough resources for your cat is an important aspect when it comes to curbing spraying. As mentioned earlier, stress and discomfort is a factor contributing to cat spraying. When your cat does not get enough to eat or drink, chances are that he will develop some sort of stress. This is quite common in multi-cat homes where the competition for resources is stiff.
If you notice your cats spraying and engaging in other undesirable behaviors, you may consider watching his behaviors. This way, you will be able to examine the problem and thus offer a solution. Therefore, providing enough food and drinking water is important to all cat owners. In addition, your house should also leave enough room for the cats to play and stretch.
Provide clean litter boxes
In most occurrences, cats that spray also tend to have litter box issues. These might develop from unclean and smelly litter boxes in the house. Cats are sensitive and at the same time quite clean beings. This means that there is no way your cat is going to be comfortable using the dirty litter boxes.
You should provide multiple litter boxes in the house, and again place them strategically to encourage cats to use them. In addition, make sure to scoop the litter boxes at least daily to remove the waste and odor.
In conclusion
Spraying is a common problem among cat parents. However, you do not have to spend a fortune going in and out of the vet’s office. Instead, you can use the above-discussed remedies to stop spraying in your cat. However, it is essential that you keep an eye on your cat for any symptoms of a health complication. Once again, it is emphasized that you use safe ways to deter your cat rather than harmful substances.
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