When you first bring a cat home, she might meow for a couple of reasons. Well, it takes an understanding of feline behavior to be able to rule out any medical or behavioral issues. While some cats are more talkative than others, maybe your cat has other behavioral issues. We are going to outline some of the reasons why your foster cat won’t stop meowing.
Now, even though cats use meowing to communicate with us, it could mean something else. This is especially if you are dealing with a sick cat or a new foster cat. Well, let us outline some of these reasons that make your foster cat keep meowing.
Why does my cat meow consistently? (Click to understand Cat Meows)
Well, it can be difficult to tell why your foster cat won’t stop meowing. Assuming that you have not to spend as much time with her, you will need to be more observant. Monitor her throughout the day and watch her behavior. Let us explore cat behavior and reasons for cat meowing.
When your foster cat won’t stop meowing, of course, this will raise concerns. It could be that your cat is sick. However, do not rush to this judgment until you have heard from a vet. There are several illnesses that cause pain or discomfort for our feline friends. Therefore, you will need a veterinarian to rule out medical issues causing consistent meowing.
Some of the most common illnesses in cats that cause excessive meowing include urinary tract blockage as well as hyperthyroidism. Pay attention to your cat and observe any change in her behavior. For instance, are there any changes in how she feeds? Or is she sleeping more than usual? If you suspect that your cat is ill, visit your vet immediately.
Attention-seeking behavior
Just as expressive as cats are, she won’t hide it when she wants your attention. Unfortunately, we cannot afford to offer them attention each time they demand it. For instance, you could be resting up in your bed and she will keep on meowing.
While I do not suggest that you ignore her completely. Check to see if she is well, and also well fed before you conclude that she is only seeking attention. If she is okay, then you need to make this behavior stop immediately. In the next section of this article, we are going to look at how to solve attention-seeking behavior.
Nagging for food
When your cat is hungry, she is going to let you know. I mean, she will meow consistently until you offer her food. It is why we advise you to feed your cat on a schedule. This should start on the very first day you bring your cat home. Establish a schedule that will work well for you.
At the same time, it is important to remember that cats feed on small amounts of food several times a day. Therefore, you cannot just offer her breakfast and dinner as we do with dogs. Ensure that your cat has enough to go by. Invest in a food puzzle that will dispense tasty treats while you are away.
Well, if your foster cat does not stop meowing after the first few days, consider fixing a feeding plan that will work. Also, spend quality time with her to notice her feeding patterns.
Sometimes your cat will meow to greet you. As with attention-seeking, it might take you some time before you actually realize why she cannot stop meowing at you. Once your foster cat gets used to you, she will start saying hello to you. Some cats will go on and on until you offer some approval. For instance, a brief head scratch will do it for her.
When a cat meows to greet, it is usually a series of short meows directed at you. She is excited to see you in the evening when you come back from work. Sometimes she will be excited to see you when you wake up in the morning.
Even though most cats are fine staying home all alone, other cats are quite social and talkative. When you bring a foster cat home, you separate her from her companions. As a result, you might go home with a lonely cat who won’t stop complaining.
Spend enough time with to reassure her of safety in the new environments, this will keep her calm. Also, ensure that your established schedule has playtime in it. Well, how else are you going to calm her down if you do not spend enough time with her?
Stressed cat
Cats are quite vulnerable to stress and thus meowing can become a problem. Well, there are different situations that could lead to cat stress. For instance, changing residency, dirty litter boxes or even having new faces around the house.
If your foster cat won’t stop meowing it is probably time to check on her stress levels. Did you recently have people over to your house? Well, if this is the case, then it is why she is probably whining. Once again, do spend some time with her. If you have a partner or roommate moving into your house, you will have to introduce them to your cat.
Understand that your cat already has a strong sense of smell. She is going to recognize different scents and when they are unfamiliar, it might stress your cat.
Intact cats
Intact cats also tend to meow during the breeding seasons. Well, most cat owners forget to enquire whether their cats are spayed or not. Well, if your cat has suddenly started meowing consistently, and even yowling, maybe she is on heat.
Sadly, there is nothing you can do to stop your cat from yowling at this time. You will need to wait until the season is over to have her spayed.
Cat’s meow while in heat to attract potential mates in the neighborhood. It might be accompanied by other symptoms such as cat spraying and restlessness.
Senility/Brain disorders
Older cats tend to develop brain disorders at some point. Well, this does lead to excessive meowing. If you have recently brought home a foster older cat, she could be having issues with brain functions. Senile cats suffer disorientation such that she might have a confusing schedule.
Check for other symptoms of senility in felines. These may include a confused sleep schedule, losing her way as she walks around as well as meowing through the night and day. Well, check with your vet to rule out the possibility of your cat suffering from senility or other brain disorders.
How do I stop my foster cat from meowing excessively? (See the Cat Language Bible)
Did you know that your cat can keep you up all night by meowing? Well, we have outlined some of the common reasons why your foster cat won’t stop meowing. However, it does not always have to be her way. You can stop your cat from meowing through the following measures:
Check with your vet
If your foster cat has suddenly started meowing excessively, the first step to take is to ensure that she is perfectly healthy. I advise you to check with your vet. Your vet will examine her to rule out any medical illnesses causing your cat to meow consistently.
If at all your cat is ill, your vet will also advise you on the best treatment to use. Note that issues relating to brain disorders may need management rather than treatment.
Ensure that all her needs are met
Almost in every post, I insist on establishing a specific schedule for your cat. Also, make sure that it becomes an everyday routine. It is going to help you meet all your cat’s needs. As I have mentioned above, your cat could be just acting up to have her needs met.
For instance, if you come home from work after mealtime, there is a chance that your cat will meow at you. Also, ensure that she is fed throughout the day. If you cannot be at home to feed her, getting a food-dispensing toy for her is going to work. It is going to keep your cat fed. Do not forget to leave clean water for her as well.
Besides, you will need to spend some time with her. In most scenarios, she could also be meowing to seek attention. Schedule some play and petting time with her. It will also be helpful to help a new cat settle in.
Do not always give in to her demands
As much as expressive as cats are, sometimes they are too demanding! I mean, if you do not oblige to her demands, she is going to disrupt your peace by meowing consistently. However, when you give in to whatever she wants at all times, it could breed into a habit.
For this reason, I do not recommend always giving her what she wants. Sometimes, especially when you know she needs attention, ignore her. When you give in, it is more rewarding your kitty. Well, you might have to invest in a pair of good earplugs, especially if your kitty won’t let you sleep.
Do not let her into your room even when she meows at the door. She might make a habit of sleeping with you in your bed, and it is not always healthy.
Exercise patience
It can be quite tiring when your foster cat won’t stop meowing. However, you will need to exercise patience when correcting this behavior. The first step you should make is to determine the reason behind excessive meowing. However, it is going to take some time before she can stop all the same.
Be patient and do not punish your cat. If she is new in your home, be patient with her. She is going to adjust within no time. After all, it is only normal for every creature to feel a little disoriented, anxious and nervous in new environments.
If you are dealing with a new cat, introduce her to different rooms gradually. Do not forget to keep her on a schedule. It is going to help her adjust to new environments faster.
If your foster cat won’t stop meowing, the above-discussed solutions should help you. Usually, a foster cat will meow because she is new in your home. Secondly, it could be that you are delaying his mealtime or do not have a fixed schedule. Well, check with your vet to ensure that she is not suffering from any illness.
The most important thing is to be patient with your cat. She is going to be well behaved within no time if you keep it consistent. Good luck!
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